The Weight Of Love (Love Love Love Love) Poem by Udiah (witness to Yah)

The Weight Of Love (Love Love Love Love)

Rating: 3.7

I once was asked concerning love versus hate
Why does it seem that hate is so great?
While hate is a very strong emotion too
Nothing can equal love that is true

The weight of hate is very heavy to bear
While it seems like love is lighter than air
Accounts of hate make a big news headline
While actions of love you must look hard to find

But when you consider that love is patient, kind,
Envieth not, not pompous, not puffed up, not rude,
Seeketh not her own, slow to anger, thinks no evil,
Rejoices not in wrong doing, but rejoices in the truth,
Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things,
Endures all things, and never fails*

You soon learn that the density of love is so much,
Although the scales be heaped with a great volume of hate
It's catapulted by a mere measure of love's touch,
Love strengthens the bearer so one feels not its weight

*author's translation of 1 Cor 13: 4-7

© 2011

love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding wedding

The Weight Of Love  (Love Love Love Love)
Patricia Grantham 10 January 2013

Love this poem, The very essence of good poetry. Such creativity

12 6 Reply
Mohammad Tabatabaei 06 September 2013

A very nice and rhythmic poem.

5 4 Reply
Kristine Brillo 07 May 2013

somehow i can relay the message, very well said!

4 3 Reply
Josh Bernateau 29 December 2016

ALLAH AKBAR ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Taylor Koner 29 January 2018

I don't know if I like it. But it is very rhythmic. ÅıÇÎ´Ï˝ÓˆÔÒ˜Ø∏Œ‰Íˇ¨◊„˛Á¸ å∫ç∂´ƒ©˙ˆ∆˚¬µ˜øπœ®ß†¨√∑≈¥Ω

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Adeeb Alfateh 15 June 2019

Love strengthens the bearer so one feels not its weight great write; great 10++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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Chandan Dey 06 September 2018

Sometimes, we take the help of 'weapon of hate' to destroy thriving and prospering of crime. But, that weapon doesn't come from the emotion of hate, rather it is triggered from the Matrix of Love in order to satisfy the Interest of Mankind. In that sense too, LOVE is greater than hate. Chandan

4 1 Reply
Caroline 17 July 2018

hmmmm.....wonderful piece and well expressed, I love it

2 1 Reply
Bri Edwards 29 June 2018

i shall now place this into my July 2018 showcase. an explanation of my showcases will be sent to you shortly to your PH Inbox. THANKS. bri :)

3 2 Reply
Bri Edwards 18 June 2018

have you flown PH's poem coop? ? i LOVE THIS POEM. and thanks for the nod to the Bible section; it DID SOUND very familiar! to MyPoemList. bri ;)

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