A Friend (The Valentine's Day Poem) Poem by GREENWOLFE 1962

A Friend (The Valentine's Day Poem)

Rating: 4.9

A friend to light a candle
When darkness overcomes.
A friend to hold you closer
When distant thunder drums.

A friend to gently tie you
When sirens sing your name.
A friend with words to soothe you
When life's a losing game.

A friend to cool your passions
When passions take their hold.
A friend to warm you gently
When a frozen heart's too cold.

A friend to spread contentment
As seasons wax and wane,
Make sense of love's confusion,
And bear life's grief and pain.

A friend who knows this season
Of love; both yours and mine.
A friend, another reason,
To send this Valentine.

A   Friend (The  Valentine's  Day  Poem)
Ian Bull 18 March 2009

Thanks for the comment on mine i really enjoyed reading this one, looks like yours come from the heart just like mine do.

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The Poet 17 March 2009

Great poem, I can tell you truly care for your friend.

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Beth A 19 March 2009

I love this poem. It comes straight from the heart and i love the way it flows. i really enjoyed reading it.

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Hebert Logerie Sr. 02 March 2009

I am a Valentine's poet too; this is indeed a beautiful poem. I love the rhymes, the rhythms and the imageries. A poem to remember!

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Corey Campbell (BlackChild) 24 February 2009

Very good. I like your style. This is a good poem for valentines.

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Sridevi Mahidhara 13 February 2021

Beautiful poem!

1 0 Reply
Chinedu Dike 29 September 2019

Well expressed thoughts and feelings. Lovely and very passionate. Thanks for sharing.

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Marcella D 28 February 2010

so wonderful, your poem is very cute

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Colin J... 18 July 2009

Beautiful poem... Colin J...

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Toni Bellanger 06 June 2009

Very easy and pleasant to read. And such love you have for each other.

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