Dare I Hope? Poem by Sophia White

Dare I Hope?

Rating: 4.9

Dare I hope to hope?
Is it safe? Is it right?
Am I hoping for nothing
But a black and empty night?

Hope should make me happy.
I should laugh, sing, and dance
Because I am hoping. Right?
Ha! Not a chance.

How is it that hope can leave me
Trembling in the darkness?
How is it that something so “good”
Should leave me feeling helpless?

Dare I hope to hope?
What difference does it make?
Fate will be fate in the end,
It will either “make or break.”

Does Fate regard my hope?
Does She listen? Or care?
Am I shooting for a star that
Simply isn’t there?

I cannot know! Oh, God
Why must I struggle with
This doubt that pulls at me
Rends me, limb from limb?

What sort of hope leaves pain
Where it should instead leave joy?
Is this hope at all? Or perhaps
Some wicked demon’s ploy?

I cannot know! Dear heaven!
How can I even begin to dare
To hope for something – anything?
Is no assurance there?

No promise? No guarantee?
I cannot stand it! I cannot!
The doubt is a plague
In my every thought.

Dare I hope to hope
In a hope that leaves me dry
And lost? How can I dare
To hope in hope? How can I?

purple moon 18 June 2007

well done, this is a brilliant poem. we all know this feeling the world over don't we, but hope is what sees us through to the end, and in any situation if we look hard enough we see that light at the end of the tunnel, i hope you did. x

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Isabella Anonymous 10 April 2007

dear sophie, well done...at the state of mind that i am in, this sure hits the nail on the head, i love it...hope to see some more good stuff..

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Matt Lhee 04 June 2006

Dude this poem is intense im 15 and i think this has actually done somethin for me.....normally im like poetry...ehhh...but this is awsome!

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Vivienne Mc Cormack 05 November 2006

Well done Sophia, you hit the nail on the head.

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Bethany Woodson 30 October 2006

So true, sometimes I feel like all the hoping I do is for nothing.

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David Wood 20 December 2020

Lovely emotive poem. Hope was the last thing left in Pandora's box. Hope springs eternal, never give up.

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Louie Aries 31 July 2018

Perfect..not many will truly understand this feeling but it was very struck me directly to the heart..

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Amol chouhan 24 February 2018

well done! it is true and this poem is very nice.

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Resh Kav 22 June 2017

very nice poem. love to read it

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Earnest Gatuma 07 November 2016

Brilliantly examined! I love this poem......

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