Herbert Nehrlich War Poems

End Of War

'Doway, doway', the soldier shouted,
moving them on with much impatience,
they were not able to go any faster,
kids, handwagons and their lives' belongings

War Memoirs

Over at the river's bank
stands my buddy, Mellow Frank,
thinking of the German Tank
that he observed right where it sank

War Thoughts

Roland cannot go to school,
his brother needs the trousers,
for shorts the weather is too cool
no clothes for rabblerousers.

War Separation

They say our world is truly round
and that the borders are not real,
as in the airspace can be found
God's promise and his lone appeal.

We Are Waging A Nuclear War As We Speak

They send them still to foreign lands,
with blessings of the folks who stay;
uplifting this, that wave of hands
the faithful citizens will pray.

The Short War

They were the dark days,
of nineteen-sixty-seven,
he heard the call, so deafening,
though it did not affect him,

Modern War

They say the desert dog will learn
from his arch enemy the mighty lion.
It seems to me that where those cities burn
there must be mothers left in sadness, crying.

War Tales

He stood with his starched collar and he preached
this war is mankind's history's profound
and holy duty, never mind the many bleached
and brittle bones that cover here the battleground.

A War

He'd yelled at her that day,
when she came home
with a grandiose new plan.
They had the space of course

Last Days Of A War

They stood in knee deep waters of the river
and madly brushed the shredded skin off bodies.
Two phosphorus grenades had caused a shiver
of panicstricken fliers in their bloody

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