Autumn River Song Poem by Li Po

Autumn River Song

Rating: 3.1

The moon shimmers in green water.
White herons fly through the moonlight.

The young man hears a girl gathering water-chestnuts:
into the night, singing, they paddle home together.

Li T'ai-po
tr. Hamil

Autumn River Song
Ratnakar Mandlik 06 May 2017

Simply superb poem depicting tranquility and life full of contentment.

5 12 Reply
Tom Allport 06 May 2017

a poem that paints a beautiful picture of peace and harmony? ...............wonderfully written.

9 8 Reply
Xing Hua 06 May 2017

渌水净素月, 月明白鹭飞。 郎听采菱女, 一道夜歌归

6 10 Reply
Elizabeth Padillo Olesen 10 November 2014

Simple and it is humming, moving and waking up the senses and the mind. Thanks for sharing.

9 6 Reply
* Sunprincess * 13 September 2015

..............peaceful....heron's are lovely creatures ★

6 7 Reply
Bruk Renwick 10 September 2022

I wonder if they kissed? Maybe none of my business.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 08 November 2021

Beautiful poem with compelling imagery. Well crafted

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Mike 12 August 2021

I love it Chhotes

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madrid 09 July 2020

This Sucks to the core.

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Rajjjytjfggtgthrgtf 07 March 2019

" This poem is so good"

2 4 Reply
Li Po

Li Po

Chu / Kazakhstan
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