Home And Love Poem by Robert William Service

Home And Love

Rating: 3.6

Just Home and Love! the words are small
Four little letters unto each;
And yet you will not find in all
The wide and gracious range of speech
Two more so tenderly complete:
When angels talk in Heaven above,
I'm sure they have no words more sweet
Than Home and Love.

Just Home and Love! it's hard to guess
Which of the two were best to gain;
Home without Love is bitterness;
Love without Home is often pain.
No! each alone will seldom do;
Somehow they travel hand and glove:
If you win one you must have two,
Both Home and Love.

And if you've both, well then I'm sure
You ought to sing the whole day long;
It doesn't matter if you're poor
With these to make divine your song.
And so I praisefully repeat,
When angels talk in Heaven above,
There are no words more simply sweet
Than Home and Love.

Home And Love
Herman Chiu 24 October 2010

Very nice that he was able to identify these two words out of all of them. Personally, I agree that these are the two most 'complete' words out there - purely in their feeling and uncompromising, agreeable adoration.

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Anita Trivedi 24 October 2010

One of best writting that i've ever read..... Home & love wonderful....... home & love they are sweetest dreams in life....... lovely write.........

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* Sunprincess * 25 October 2012

wow..this is an excellent poem..thanks for sharing

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Ramesh T A 24 October 2010

Without love where is life in the world? Love Is The Crowning Piece Of Nature!

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Guybrush Threepwood 25 October 2009

I enjoy the subject of the poem and the basic idea behind each of the lines, but I feel like it could've been worded better.

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Yousif Ibrahim Abubaker 26 August 2022

Home and love are pretty awesome shelter.

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Chinedu Dike 23 August 2022

An insight piece of poetry nicely put together with conviction

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Ritesh 23 October 2021

i like

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Dr Dillip K Swain 16 January 2021

I loved the repetition... when angels talk in heaven above....

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Rajnish Manga 24 February 2020

Home and love are made for each other. They are complementary. Thanks for the treat. It would be a pleasure for me to translate it in Hindi.

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