*** Ignorance *** Poem by Sulaiman Mohd Yusof

*** Ignorance ***

Rating: 4.7

Sojourn, efficacy entrapped within the boundaries
Choreographing the dances of life, like calligraphies

The strokes, beckoned a second look
Illuminated with flashes of nuke

Chapters and plots changed hands
Flock of thoughts flowed tearlessly beyond close range

Lives perished out of humans' faults
Catastrophes, presumed as null and void

Serial numbers on the death certificates
Escalating at no rates

Who, constituted for the loss?
Leave it to God at all costs?

Could we share the common interest?
To live possibly from rags to riches

PS: Let's make the world, the best place to live! I was listenin' to the song ' when the children cry ' by the band group ' The White Lion ', when writin' this poem, but the song ' dust in the wind ' by 'Kansas' has inspired me of writin' this piece.Peace to the world! ! ! The world is our home and home is the best place to be.

***   Ignorance   ***
Brett Ackerman 10 February 2009

It's kinda like this - if you got right down to it, isn't that always the way? Shoulda, woulda, coulda. It's about about our impending blind date with human selectivity of life in general. I like the open ended modifier of your perspective premise. Though in this instance, gruesome, unfolding horror have always played a big part in the most vulnerable amoungst us in terms of ignorance.

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Kerrial Newham 09 February 2009

Great poem, good word choices and overall a fair poem.

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Ben Gieske 09 February 2009

Your poem portrays a lot of movement and encourages an appreciation of our movements. I wish I were acquainted with the music to better appreciate your words and thoughts. Keep on writing. Peace is a worthy cause and, hopefully, we can find it in every home.

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Miriam Maia Padua 09 February 2009

great choice of words.... with depth... thoughts provoking piece...

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John Weber 08 February 2009

I enjoyed your choice of words on this one, Sulaiman! These stanzas dance with life and circumstance, a strong portrait of a mind at work on the deep notions of existence. Great job on this one! Warm regards, John

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Exasperation 22 December 2019

Khuda Hafeez! Sulaiman that was beautiful! A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet!

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April Kiessling 07 July 2009

I enjoy your writing. It is about common enough subjects that others can identify with them, but using unique types of images or thoughts. Very nice.

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Lucero Flores 16 June 2009

That is amazing, i like this poem keep writing I love your poems :)

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Dolan Doran 06 March 2009

amazing. so perfectly true. awsome.

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Riquetta Elliott 13 February 2009

That's really nice Mr. Yusof. I enjoy reading this poem.

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