A Baby's Cradle With No Baby In It Poem by Christina Georgina Rossetti

A Baby's Cradle With No Baby In It

Rating: 2.7

A baby's cradle with no baby in it,
A baby's grave where autumn leaves drop sere;
The sweet soul gathered home to Paradise,
The body waiting here.

A Baby's Cradle With No Baby In It
Kim Barney 09 May 2015

This is from Terry Craddock's first comment below: Because so many of Christina Georgina Rossetti's poems are well written to exquisite, the question is why was this poem selected? All poets have superior and inferior writes, so why not promote from among Christina's best work? Maybe it is a question of taste and others love this poem? [end of quote] Good question, Terry. You know when you go to the EDIT POEMS mode and you see a list of your poems and some of them have the word REVIEWED next to them and some don't? Well, my poem POETRY HEAVEN was selected as poem of the day on March 24 and yet according to what I just mentioned, it has never been reviewed! How could they select it without reviewing it? I think they sometimes just let their computers select a poem at random. It was a fun poem to write but it's not my best poem by any means.

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Chinedu Dike 09 May 2015

Nicely encapsulated and well articulated piece of poetry, insightfully penned with conviction. A beautiful short and powerful poem. Thanks for sharing.

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Terry Craddock 09 May 2015

Yes I am forced to agree with Kyoko. I know the poem is about the loss of a baby, but among this theme there are some exquisite tear jerkers, so why this choice? I had a lecturer who would ask if this is a poem or a draft? Of the first three lines the second resonates, but the other two lines seem lacking and the fourth line falls flat, leaving the feeling something is missing, perhaps this is the stretched point; or is this an unfinished draft? Many poets have a score or more drafts never finished. Because so many of Christina Georgina Rossetti's poems are well written to exquisite, the question is why was this poem selected? All poets have superior and inferior writes, so why not promote from among Christina's best work? Maybe it is a question of taste and others love this poem?

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The cradle and the grave are very much connected by the thin string of time. Sometimes it can be woefully short. Few lines with much meaning to it......... From the velvet cushions of the cradle One day to the cold earthy grave They will let your body down gentle And the soul no more be a slave...........

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Anonymous 05 February 2018

Well Written

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Kumarmani Mahakul 21 September 2023

The sweet soul gathered home to Paradise, The body waiting here., . Nice conceptualization. A beautiful poem.

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Chinedu Dike 25 May 2021

A work of an intricate mind.

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The soul of dead baby is the flying bird of paradise; there the autumnal leaves cares the body of dead baby in the cradle of grave

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Sylvia Frances Chan 25 May 2021

Congratulations being chosen as the Classic poem of the day to her late family

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Sylvia Frances Chan 25 May 2021

An infant died, saddest Mother ever, she knows that her baby's soul is in heaven, only body is in the grave.5 Stars for this brilliantly worded poem, short but crystal clear

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