Life Is A Tall, Tender Tree Poem by Dr. Debasish Mridha

Life Is A Tall, Tender Tree

Rating: 4.7

For if life is a tall tender tree,
For then, life is joy, life is free.
The tree is dancing in the air, sunny or showers,
With his joy, with his love, with his flowers.

For if life is a tall tender tree,
There is no pain or gain, she or he.
No complaining, only serving and caring.
Creating life for joy of sharing.

For if life is a tall tender tree,
For then, there are no you and me.
We are nature; we are love; we are beauty.
Giving and loving is our eternal duty.

Life Is A Tall, Tender Tree
Annie Charbonneau 18 January 2013

very profound that us humans are like a tall tender tree and we both require the same care and happiness.

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Gajanan Mishra 29 January 2013

Giving and loving is our eternal duty. good.

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Heather Kehoe 22 January 2013

This poem is one of many wonderful poems written by Dr. Mridha and mentions the simple beauty of life.

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April Noneedtoknow 21 January 2013

Dr Mridha this is very nice and know you shall never die but always live in our hearts and mind your poems are absolutely beautiful. thank you for sharing such a wonderful experience with all of us

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Lisa Macarthur 29 January 2013

Dr. Mridha your poem is deeper than the ocean.

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val Rogers 19 July 2015

Imaginative informative and fantastic.

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val Rogers 19 July 2015

Great and imaginative. Couldn't have written it better.

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N. A. 23 December 2014

This is one of my favorites. I like the simplification of life and the emphasis that this comes with giving love.

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Denise Orrin 25 September 2014

Great poem! I love the metaphor of life being like a tree. I especially love the line we are nature; we are love; we are beauty.

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Ken Xvn 20 September 2014

Gorgeous poem. Keep it up!

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