The Kiss I Miss Poem by David Keig

The Kiss I Miss

Rating: 3.6

That kiss, that kiss
That childlike kiss
That pecky on the cheek kiss
That I am here kiss
That who the hell cares kiss
That kiss, that kiss I miss

The Kiss I Miss
Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 25 November 2009

Excellent poem… Kiss alias picky nice wording. Ten++ Ms. Nivedita UK Please visit my page and comment &c. Why Hack My She [In Elite 500] niv

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Nisha Dyrene 27 December 2008

short n sweet...liked this one a lot

4 1 Reply
Maya Ewing 23 October 2009

this poem says it all comment mine so i can to improve. thank you.

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Gary Martin 13 October 2009

To be honest, looking back that is the one you miss the most. This poem is simply beautiful.

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Kim Barney 14 February 2015

Ah, yes, that's the kiss I miss too!

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Aliecha 04 October 2019

Poetry? this is not poetry it is rubbish

1 1 Reply
Me Poet Yeps Poet 26 May 2019

beautiful that u still recall its still kissing uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

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Britte Ninad 23 May 2019

do not miss the kiss in this life

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Sylvaonyema Uba 21 April 2018

That kiss, that kiss, I miss. What a nostalgia! ! ! SylvaOnyema Uba

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Susan Alldred-lugton 14 February 2017

One of your better ones David.It feels real.Susan NZ

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