I Am Poem by tanvi damle

I Am

Rating: 3.8

I sit in the terrace, gazing at the starry sky,
and think about the answer to the question, 'Who am I? '
I am a girl who wants to be young forever,
but I'm a girl who also wants to grow up and be someone that everyone will remember.
I'm a girl who wants to stay in the protected world my parents have built for me,
but I'm also a girl who wants to touch the sky and break free.
I want to be happy and dance in the rain,
but I also wanna cry for the unfortunate and feel their pain.
I want to be wise and go towards the sun ray,
but i also want to be a fool, trust my heart and go the other way.
I'm a girl who always wants her life to go towards light,
but I'm also a girl who wants to be able to make it through the night.
I always want to be right, win every race,
but i also want to be able to lose and accept it with grace.
I'm a girl who always wants to go up, make ends meet,
but I'm also a girl who wants to be able to fall down and have the courage to get back on my feet.
Who am I? What kind of a human being?
I'm right, I'm wrong, I'm everything.

I Am
Abhay Vignesh L 11 April 2011

Powerful statements in verse..Great insight.....a fine piece of poetry...10+++

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Leah Ayliffe 25 March 2011

loved it! good display of the contradictions of our life!

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Vatsal Dhaka 23 March 2011

The poem shows the dreams which are always at a conflict and hence it's inspiring.nice work.!

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you can do all when you justify it as a girl and human being.. good luck 10++

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Arin Karma 22 March 2011

I think it was cool. It's also true about every girl, although they may not know it. I like how you speak about reality in this poem.

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Unnikrishnan E S 04 September 2016

Hi Tanvi, Fantastic poem. I could easily relate to your dreams. I find a young- forever young, young at heart-, dreaming, starry eyed girl, always exuberant and happy, in the poem. And yes, a very sturdy, strong person who does not get scared by the possibility of falling down, erring.. Tanvi, we fall, only when when we get up and start walking. But do not hesitate to get up and walk, no run, to your cherished destination. This is something every human being should do. Because, this is what every animal, plant do in the nature around you. Strongly reminding me of 'Jonathan Livingstone Seagull. All the best.

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Allie Lusha 24 February 2012

Hey Tanvi Its been ages, How you doing, I have a lot of catching up to do reading your wonderful poetry..you haven't lost it sweetie you are marvellous never stop writing :)

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Lindo Mvelase 02 November 2011

A great poem is this one, i give a ten.... i like the rhyme in it

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Lakshay Gaba 13 June 2011

very gôod poem...jst be what u r.

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Yes indeed...you're everything. And after reading this i didn't felt like you were not in touch with poems for a long time like you said to me. It's really a beautiful one..you just weaved a wonderful poem here...Questions sor which we all seek answers. Take care.

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