A Crazed Girl

THAT crazed girl improvising her music.
Her poetry, dancing upon the shore,

Her soul in division from itself
Climbing, falling She knew not where,
Hiding amid the cargo of a steamship,
Her knee-cap broken, that girl I declare
A beautiful lofty thing, or a thing
Heroically lost, heroically found.

Autumn River Song

The moon shimmers in green water.
White herons fly through the moonlight.

The young man hears a girl gathering water-chestnuts:
into the night, singing, they paddle home together.

Li T'ai-po
tr. Hamil

A Life-Lesson

There! little girl; don't cry!
They have broken your doll, I know;
And your tea-set blue,
And your play-house, too,
Are things of the long ago;
But childish troubles will soon pass by. -
There! little girl; don't cry!

There! little girl; don't cry!
They have broken your slate, I know;

Why Was Cupid A Boy

Why was Cupid a boy,
And why a boy was he?
He should have been a girl,
For aught that I can see.

For he shoots with his bow,
And the girl shoots with her eye,
And they both are merry and glad,
And laugh when we do cry.

Biological Reflection

A girl whose cheeks are covered with paint
Has an advantage with me over one whose ain't.

I Am A Very Simple Girl, Very Simple

I am a very simple girl, very simple.
I only know how to love, how to care.
I only have kindness and joy to share.
I am a simple star without a twinkle.

I am a very simple girl, very simple.
I am not a famous dancer or singer.
I can feel your dancing heart with my finger.
My heart is longing for love, very simple.

There Is A Girl Inside

There is a girl inside.
She is randy as a wolf.
She will not walk away and leave these bones
to an old woman.

She is a green tree in a forest of kindling.
She is a greeen girl in a used poet.

She has waited patient as a nun
for the second coming,

It's Raining In Love

I don't know what it is,
but I distrust myself
when I start to like a girl
a lot.

Girl In Waiting

the girl waited beneath the golden tree
the golden tree shaped like a vase
a vase of golden leaves
a vase of shimmering golden leaves
a vase of trembling shimmering golden leaves
the girl waited there beneath the golden tree
beneath the end of the season tree
shedding leaves fall after fall year after year
upon the cars in the high school parking lot

Dark Dark Girl

Dark girl so filled with strife
Dark Dark girl she'll take your life
Dark girl stay for a while
Dark Dark girl she makes me smile
Dark girl she shows no fear
Dark Dark girl is always near
Dark girl wont see her cry
Dark Dark girl just wants to die

But Dark girl lives in the dark

In Spring Rain

In spring rain
a pretty girl

Translated by Robert Hass

A Confidence

UNCLE JOHN, he makes me tired;
Thinks 'at he's jest so all-fired
Smart, 'at he kin pick up, so,
Ever'thing he wants to know.
Tried to ketch me up last night,
But you bet I wouldn't bite.
I jest kep' the smoothes' face,
But I led him sich a chase,
Couldn't corner me, you bet —
I skipped all the traps he set.

Dancing With Daddy

My little heart, my little girl.
Dance with Daddy; dance, my pearl.
Hold my hand; dance with feet.
Sing a little song; dance with beat.
Dance with a smile; sing with joy.
Dance like a peacock; sing like a toy.
Dance with love; sing with kindness.
Life will be blissful, full of happiness.
Dance with Daddy; dance, my pearl.
My little heart, my little girl.

I Am

I sit in the terrace, gazing at the starry sky,
and think about the answer to the question, 'Who am I? '
I am a girl who wants to be young forever,
but I'm a girl who also wants to grow up and be someone that everyone will remember.
I'm a girl who wants to stay in the protected world my parents have built for me,
but I'm also a girl who wants to touch the sky and break free.
I want to be happy and dance in the rain,
but I also wanna cry for the unfortunate and feel their pain.
I want to be wise and go towards the sun ray,

This Girl

This Girl In The Dark
Has a beautiful face without a name
And a beautiful smile to hide the pain
This Girl In the Dark
Has cuts up her arm
Loves nothing more then self harm
This Girl in the dark
Doesn't know how much longer she can keep trying
Everyday she's slowly dying
This Girl in the Dark

Advice: To Himself

Sad Catullus, stop playing the fool,
and let what you know leads you to ruin, end.
Once, bright days shone for you,
when you came often drawn to the girl
loved as no other will be loved by you.
Then there were many pleasures with her,
that you wished, and the girl not unwilling,
truly the bright days shone for you.
And now she no longer wants you: and you
weak man, be unwilling to chase what flees,

Lesbia's Sparrow

All you Loves and Cupids cry
and all you men of feeling
my girl's sparrow is dead,
my girl's beloved sparrow.
She loved him more than herself.
He was sweeter than honey, and he
knew her, as she knows her mother.
He never flew out of her lap,
but, hopping about here and there,
just chirped to his lady, alone.

The Girl I Used To Be

My tree will know it all
the tree of my childhood
with the endless branches
and the many whispers

My tree remembers
the girl with the wind in her hair
the girl with the crazy laughter
the girl with the fear of living
the girl I used to be

Words Of Comfort To Be Scratched On A Mirror

Helen of Troy had a wandering glance;
Sappho's restriction was only the sky;
Ninon was ever the chatter of France;
But oh, what a good girl am I!

There Was A Little Girl

There was a little girl,
Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good,
She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.