A Scrap Of Time Poem by Susan Williams

A Scrap Of Time

Rating: 4.8

I need to find time-
a scrap of time
by the demands of everyday life
that chews up every morsel of time it can find.

I want to meditate on these stray birds of thought-
I want to know that my life
was more than washing dishes
and waiting for the phone to ring
bearing news of joy or sorrow.

Thursday, January 28, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,time
Theodora Onken 30 April 2016

Ever so deep and profound dear Susan. Don't we all want to know if we mattered more for our being rather than the mundane of everyday chores. Time truly does fly-it is a bird...that hurries itself along...leaving us memories of our once youth- to ponder on in our older and rapidly declining years. Another 10, dear Susan. Theo

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Susan Williams 01 May 2016

Theo, you hit it on the nail and the time flying [tempus fugit? ] makes me anxious- I feel such a growing compulsion to fill every day with something new, or astounding, or educational, or artistically fulfilling so that I can look back and say I lived and lived in Technocolor! So far only my childhood, teen years,20's and 30's and part of my 40's have met the criteria. We need to rebel more, Theo- - let's leave those dishes in the sink more often- -we'll be such outlaws! ! ! ! ! Thank you again, Theo, for dropping by and giving me your insights and encouragement... You have certainly made my day! You get a 10+++++++++ for t being you! ! !

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Pamela Sinicrope 01 May 2016

I want to know that too Susan! Your poem resonates with me and I love the imagery your provide to accompany it. Those stray birds of thought and morsels of time that feed the soul are always there. So is the waiting. Well done.

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Susan Williams 02 May 2016

There is a necessity for more hours in the day, isn't there? I go to bed at night wondering if I really need to sleep that much! I look forward to your comments, Pamela, you have been very good at pointing out the phrases and imagery that works for the reader. Your fellow poets are blessed to have you read their works and commenting..

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Unnikrishnan E S 28 April 2016

Susan, Do I find my poem She Never Had a Sunday a poor imitation of this beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing such beautiful Scraps of Time. I hope you do find a few to meditate on these stray birds of thought! Do keep writing and sharing your poems! Thanks once again.

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Bharati Nayak 29 November 2023

Susan! Your poem is so compelling and so beautiful. The mundane factors of daily life consume the chunk of major time of the poet and she is anxious and restless to spare sometime to indulge in her creativity!

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Today this poem is placed at #42 in the Best poems of Members as against #04 yesterday. Truly, PoemHunter is bent upon making us fools….

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Today this poems has been ranked at #04 in the list of Best Poems of Member Poets. Actually, I have been pressing the PoemHunter Aesthetic Team to place it at #NUMBER ONE position. I hope some day the website have a team worth its name. All the best, Susie

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This great poem is now elevated to the position #03. It is inching towards its rightful NUMERO UNO RANK. Hope the PoemHunter aesthetics team recognises its value soon.

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Rod M.Peters 21 November 2023

The abstruseness of my own poems often leads me to appreciate the simplicity in other's works. This one had a soothing quality, like a mild Spring shower in the midst of a sweltering May day.

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