Sweet Dreams My Angel Poem by Angie Watson

Sweet Dreams My Angel

Rating: 4.2

Go to sleep my angel and dream
Of heavenly places and heavenly faces
You shall be missed, my angel but rest in peace
In this world you could easily get hurt
Don't fret my angel you are safe in God's arms
He will take care of you
And will always be with you
Mortal dreams of riches, but my angel
You are rich for eternal life
So sleep now angel you are full of love and beauty
We will all be with you soon
Sweet dreams my angel
When you wake up you'll know that
Your dreams have come true

Sweet Dreams My Angel
Jess Joe 05 April 2006

i love this poem because it reminds me of my grandmother's heart break and joy that came from the loss of her child she was sad to see her go but she knew that she would be in gods hands

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Ndidi Ubogu 15 January 2006

Sweet dreams my angel I can't stop singing this song My tears are accompanied by smiles For you won’t feel pain again I shed tears when I first read this poetry because it reminded me of someone. I like the way you placed the words, and I think these are the best words to cheer someone up. Thanks a lot, for making me to smile instead of crying.

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Duncan Wyllie 14 January 2006

Wow this has moved me, exactly like it should.This sort of poem can be real food for the soul Thankyou Angie you're amazing!

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Zaim Zibran 19 March 2020

Hi! Choral composer here- anyone know if I can contact the poet to work with her to set this to music? Thank you!

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Kingsley Egbukole 14 December 2019

Beautiful poem. Similar to my poem " The beauty of death" . Interesting reading.

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Lindsey Ashton 15 October 2008

I like this poem, It talks of a person turning into an angel, its a little like mine called 'She's an Angel' that one is about a mother who has lost her child, please take the time to have a read.

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Guardian Angel 02 April 2007

wow it is a very very impressive poem

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Katrina Thompson 01 February 2007

amazing poem, anyone who has red this poem and has lost someone close to them can relate, because we think of our love d ones as angels.. i really enjoed this poem, and it made me think of my lost loved ones-thank you

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Angie Watson

Angie Watson

Brewton, Alabama
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