Hymn Poem by Sarah Flower Adams


Rating: 2.9

He sendeth sun, he sendeth shower,
Alike they're needful for the flower:
And joys and tears alike are sent
To give the soul fit nourishment.
As comes to me or cloud or sun,
Father! thy will, not mine, be done!
Can loving children e'er reprove
With murmurs whom they trust and love?
Creator! I would ever be
A trusting, loving child to thee:
As comes to me or cloud or sun,
Father! thy will, not mine, be done!
Oh, ne'er will I at life repine:
Enough that thou hast made it mine.
When falls the shadow cold of death
I yet will sing, with parting breath,
As comes to me or shade or sun,
Father! thy will, not mine, be done!

John Richter 24 June 2015

This is incredibly interesting. At first I thought a very dear little poem. But Sarah's name was ringing in my head as though I knew of her somehow. And I thought this is a form poem, like a hexastich with the repeating last line of each stanza. Of course I glossed over the word 'Hymn' in the title. Jumping over to her biography it came rushing in. A commenter there correctly identified Sarah's hymn ' Nearer My God' as the last song played by the string trio on the Titanic as she slipped into the ocean. Freaking awesome! Sarah is an indelible part of history and I am surprised she has only 6 pieces here on PH.

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Vipins Puthooran 26 December 2011

Father! thy will, not mine, be done! ! The word of Christ! ! A good poem! ! ! !

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Akachukwu Lekwauwa 24 June 2015

Powerful hymn. Love it

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Edward Kofi Louis 24 June 2015

With parting breath. Nice work.

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Thabani Khumalo 24 June 2015

this is beautiful. would you please share this secret of writing? read my poem and rate it: codes of law

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Kesav Venkat Easwaran 03 September 2023

Great poem. Nourishes the mind

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 21 January 2021

and all Hymns for Him - for the greatest merciful one of the world

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Dr Antony Theodore 02 May 2020

Father! thy will, not mine, be done! Can loving children e'er reprove With murmurs whom they trust and love? Creator! I would ever be A trusting, loving child to thee: quoting Christ. Let your will be done, not my will. this is beautiful. tony

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Mahtab Bangalee 26 May 2019

greatly written- Enough that thou hast made it mine. When falls the shadow cold of death I yet will sing, with parting breath, ........./// wonderful and beautiful HYMN

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Susan Williams 18 November 2015

Thank you, John Richter, for those valuable pieces of information that deepen our appreciation of an artist's work

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