It is nice to go to bed
Without worries in the head.
If the kids sleep during nap time, it is the best.
If they don't, they're guilty of resisting a rest.
W-hile you rise from sleep,
H-ue of the sky gets bright;
E-arly light shines up high,
N-ew morn sets things
R-ising up from slumber
I-s good to the mind;
C-omplete hour of sleep
H-as made you feel fine.
Y-our birthday has come,
Z-enith awaits the noon;
Z-one of beacon shows up,
A-fter the moment of moon.
A-s night has made you sleep,
I-t makes you safe and sound;
L-ight of the full moon
E-rases the mess around.
T-ry not to sleep at night,
E-ven if your eyes like otherwise;
R-eminiscing shall be done,
E-specially before sunrise.
N-ice daylight slumber
A-ims to regain the lost strengrh,
P-erfect snooze in time.
M-aking a deep sleep
I-s important to tired eyes;
N-eeded by the weary mind,
A-fter work neath the sunrise.
V-ery fine and sound sleep
A-llows your head to rest;
N-ever mind the alarm,
E-ventide does its best.
M-ove to awake out of sleep,
A-rmor of light must be put on;
U-rgency sense and priority urges you to walk the horizon.
S-leep all you can,
H-ere comes loneliness;
E-yes that want to rest
R-eactivates in happiness.