Cj Heck

Cj Heck Poems

Give me a poet for a lover
whose words stroke me like velvet hands.
Word-tender caresses more reaching
than the caress of a mere mortal man.

Go in through the eyes of a poet
deep into her alphabet mind.
Ideas like flotsam and jetsam
dodge poetry fragments and lines.

Night-night moon
Night-night stars
Night-night noisy
trucks and cars.

As a friend, I had come to help
yet one more time
and I watched as she set
the cardboard box on the floor.

I dreamed I grew a money tree
outside in my yard.
My job was to care for it
and I worked very hard.

There was a man I knew
and just knowing him
made me think of poetry.

On warm dark nights I think I see
beneath the weeping willow tree,
the fairies dancing in the grass
on tiny feet that fly so fast.

Life is full of crossroads,
the hard lefts or rights,
and little pathways
of curves, this way or that.

There's an angel in my pocket
who is watching over me,
just a little voice down deep inside
that I can hear, not see.

Oh Mama look, a flutterby.
(her tiny hand held it out to me) .
She grasped it firmly in her fist,
afraid to set it free.

Today I found a can of paint.
The paintbrush was there, too.
Mommy must have left it
when her painting was all through.

I offered my heart
in the palm of my hand,
a burning nova
to a private world

I remember many things
about those days and you.

I remember staring into brown eyes

I talked to Grammy yesterday
about a girl I know.
Her skin’s a different color
but I like her, even though

I love teeny tiny ants
and itchy bitsy fleas,
spiders, big and little,
and grouchy grumble bees,

memories are like
a child’s jack-in-the-box,
bound to pop up
when we least expect them

Daddy left his boots for me
and here I have to stay
‘cause Daddy is a soldier,
I’m in charge while he’s away.

Dear Mommy up in heaven,
you’re always in my mind.
I wish that you could tell me
why you left so much behind.

I’m just going to sit here.
I won’t say a word.
I’ll be like the children
who are seen and not heard.

Treasures abound in an attic
if you're patient enough
to wade through
the spiders and dust to find them.

Cj Heck Biography

CJ Heck is a published poet, writer, and the author of three children's books, a collection of short stories, and a book of adult poetry. She also writes three blogs: Memoirs From Nam: http: //memoirsfromnam.blogspot.com Knowing Whispers: http: //knowingwhispers.blogspot.com CJ's Writer Thoughts: http: //cjswriterthoughts.blogspot.com CJ lives with her partner, Author Robert Cosmar, in The Villages, Florida. She has three married daughters, eleven grandchildren, and is also a Vietnam War widow. For more information, interviews, book excerpts, or to invite CJ to your school or organization, please call 352-299-5634, or visit: Barking Spiders Poetry - CJ Heck Books: http: //www.barkingspiderspoetry.com)

The Best Poem Of Cj Heck

A Poet For A Lover (Adult)

Give me a poet for a lover
whose words stroke me like velvet hands.
Word-tender caresses more reaching
than the caress of a mere mortal man.

A poet's light touch is so gentle.
Word-fingers probe deep every time,
arousing me, haunting me, wetting me,
seducing me, body and mind.

Oh Lord,
give me a poet for a lover.
Lust and fire burn in his heart.
A silver-tongued devil whose words make me ache
to be on my knees in the dark.

Word-foreplay making me want him,
only mind-loved, I want to be free
to feel just one time, my poet inside,
where only mind-lust up to now has loved me.

Cj Heck Comments

Adryan Barnathan 18 January 2006

CJ.......what a gift you have~ every word imparts a vivid image that fills the hearts and souls of your readers with a remembering...Yes, it's the littlest moments that you paint so well... and spell out with glowing simplicity. Thank You for being exempliary in your work......you inspire me to set a higher standard for my own poems! Hugs to You~ Adrienne

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kenneth william snow 14 March 2005

C.J., I really enjoy reading your poetry. I also greatly appreciate your kind comments on my poems, they are so much more meaningful coming from a talent like you. Thanks again, Kenneth

6 5 Reply
Michael Tonkin 07 February 2005

A warm welcome back, I really thought you were gone for good. Michael.

5 3 Reply
Lare Austin 07 February 2005

Welcome back, C.J.... Lare Austin

5 3 Reply
Michael Shepherd 23 September 2004

Hi CJ - you've been quiet lately... hope it's a creative quiet...there's two spider poems on my site here, now - which I owe to you and DH Lawrence respectively...for what they're worth... Michael

4 2 Reply
Rohit meena 17 May 2018

Fantastic boss

1 0 Reply
Efia Sixd 13 April 2016

great poems. every poem has a moral or a value which everyone should learn.... actually i have a question.. what is you full name? i mean, what does c j stand for in your name?

2 1 Reply

excellent poems. you are great in explaining your feels. i invite you to read my poem

5 4 Reply
Hemangi Kamra 06 April 2014

dear mam c.j., your poems are awesome and like reading them. thankyou

7 3 Reply
Chuck Audette 15 September 2009

CJ's poems spring forth in lively style, with wonderful imagination, heartfelt truth, and humor galore. Always worth the read! -chuck

11 7 Reply

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