*there's A Fire Burning In My Eyes* Poem by Allen Steble The Philosophical Poet

*there's A Fire Burning In My Eyes*

Rating: 4.1

Even the impossible can be done
because I believe it can
the toughest challenge can be won
because I am a fighting man
...there's a fire burning in my eyes,
because I'm after the prize.

Anything far-fetched can be achieved
yes, it can be done
because in truth I believe
that I am the right one
but that's no surprise,
cause' there's a fire burning in my eyes.

Anything unlikely can be overcome
in an hour of darkness
even though there exists some
who think the situation is hopeless
but my spirit never dies,
because there's a fire burning in my eyes.

My heart is ablaze
with the flame of triumph
my soul alight
with this fire of success
an eternal inferno
rages within me
and when you peer into my eyes
then you will see
the fire burning within.

...The fire burning within my eyes.

*there's A Fire Burning In My Eyes*
Friday, July 16, 2010
Topic(s) of this poem: belief,inspiration

Pregnant with a passion that is both musical and motivational. Well done my friend.

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Marvin Brato 19 January 2014

Very optimistic poem...congratulations!

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Bhawana Bhowmik 25 November 2013

Hi There, You asked for my honest opinion, I liked it. This is a good theme however I feel the idea can be refined, word selection can improve. It needs to mature a little in my opinion.

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Patricia Grantham 05 November 2013

A very uplifting and inspiring write. Yes do keep the fire burning and never let it go out. The fire is a symbol of powerful energy. Also could be a symbol of youth and vitality. Very motivational. Congratulations on being number one in the poet world Allen.

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Saiom Shriver 21 October 2013

What an amazing synchronicity that I am listening to To Dream the Impossible Dream as I read your poem. Your divine confidence is contagious to your readers.

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i think can u edit ur poem fire in my eyes like this fire of my eyes will burn down around then look into my eyes with the fire on the ground burning with hate just like an empty plate.fire in my eyes will cook everybody which makes to remain only a dead body fire in my eyes which makes yell for help so if u feel to control my call the fire engine .

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Kim Barney 22 May 2016

Nicely done, Allen. Congrats on having it chosen as poem of the day!

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Briony Nicholls 22 May 2016

You must still be very young!

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Ratnakar Mandlik 22 May 2016

A beautifully crafted inspirational poem. Congratulations. Thanks for sharing.

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Edward Kofi Louis 22 May 2016

Even the impossible can be done! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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