Bullet Proof Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Bullet Proof

Rating: 5.0

You have laid your life in vain,
Worry was not for self main,
But the way it was to be put off,
Only because of jacket bullet proof,

Is it not the national shame?
Where there is no answer and only blame,
All credits for prompt action claim,
Still shameless remain at the helm!

It is all for the material inferior,
Obey the orders of superiors,
Lay down the life and call the warriors,
It is only because order of superiors,

Should we not call it a day of doom?
Flower faded and found no bloom,
National shame and all over gloom,
No answer and no monitoring room,

Have you ever heard bullet pierce through?
No guarantee for life if they are true?
Playing with precious life of man in uniform,
Not because they are unaware and in form,

Greed for easy money and fame,
Simple way of playing life game,
No one to question what is their fate?
Interested only in commission and rate,

Time has come to test the integrity,
Not the quantity but best the quality,
Who can stand for the honour of the nation?
Will find the place without any question,

Note: - inferior purchase of bullet proof jackets resulted into the death of valiant police officers of Mumbai in the wake of 26/11 attack.

Bullet Proof
Sherri Coulter 21 September 2009

my brain is not warped only tired -maybe bored-but sleep it needs -so close the doors. thank you.

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Sachin Goswami 13 September 2009

You have laid your life in vain, Worry was not for self main, But the way it was to be put off,

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Ken E Hall 10 September 2009

Excellent poem on this subject and makes you scratch your head when life is lost because off superior action without checking equiptment...so sad..the write a voice of action++++10 regards

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Sagarika Shah 07 September 2009

It is all for the material inferior, Obey the orders of superiors, Lay down the life and call the warriors

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Twinkle Vohra 07 September 2009

You have laid your life in vain, Worry was not for self main, But the way it was to be put off,

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Fay Slimm 12 January 2010

Clear and detailed proof that war is no answer and never can be.

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Mohammed Hassan 21 October 2009

i like your way and the way you shape your words it's like speaking silent words great work keep it up

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Poetic Soul 16 October 2009

A well penned write, beautifally adreessed to those Incompetent. Your words are truly empowering and supportive.

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Prof. Dr. Sakti Chakravorty 04 October 2009

A strong ETC* to stir slothful conscience of both civilians and leaders. Ten+ Thanks for comment. Cordially invite to my page. ds. * Electro convulsive therapy.

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Lady Grace 01 October 2009

not necessary important the quantity..the quality should be checked first..nice piece..

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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