Francis Duggan Greed Poems

Of Greed And Corruption

Of greed and corruption we are all too aware
It's happening in your suburb and the big World out there
Many in high places into corporate crime
And more honorable than them in jail serving time

Of Human Greed In These Tough Times

Of Human greed in these tough times we read of and we hear
Company C E O's not paid in thousands but in millions every year
Yet few of their type known for to help anyone in poverty
In a World where some have too much so much inequality

Than To Greed And Corruption

Than to greed and corruption my principles sell
I would rather live and die as a never do well
Than cause anybody financial suffering and pain
There must be more to living human life than financial gain

Than To Greed

Than to greed and corruption my principles sell
I would rather live and die as a never do well
Than cause anybody financial suffering and pain
There must be more to living human life than financial gain

Due To Our Greed For Money

Some species of wild duck are born to dabble in shallow lakes for their food and others are born to dive
Most creatures have different ways of finding their food to survive
In Nature most creatures designed to survive in their environment though a lot of natural habitatus humans destroy
For development due to our greed for money we endanger the existence of creatures that bring us great joy

For The Greed Of Humanity

For the greed of humanity the price is huge to pay
More creatures becoming endangered of extinction every day
More birds and animals dispossessed where old growth trees are cut down
To make room for industrial development in every city and town

Since Greed With Them

Since greed with them does seem way out of control
Multinational and bureaucratic companies directors are without a soul
They take and they take and in return little give
And enjoy the luxury of their huge profits for as long as they live

Corruption Through Greed

Corruption through greed does seem a common sin
In a Human World where one has to lose for another to win
In a fair go for all Planet this never would be
But few things are fair or so 'twould seem to me

For Human Greed

We may as well try to find another Planet to live on
Since people they cannot live on the Moon
And Mother Earth the Planet that sustains us
We in our fits of madness choose to ruin.

The Price For Our Greed

Human Beings have invented computers and walked on the moon
But the Planet we live on we are trying to ruin
The greed of our kind may well be our downfall
We are not as great or as clever as we think we are after all

Not Forgetting Human Greed

So many people in the World are hungry
And so many people of help are in need
Due to climate change and war and other reasons
And of course not forgetting human greed.

Humanity Has To Lose Out To Greed

The hungry vultures circling in the sky
Above the stricken beast they slowly fly
They will squabble for his carcass when he die
And the strongest bird the first feed will enjoy.

Sea Side Greed

I have been to Ballybunion I've been there ten times before
And I've only bought tea once there but I've had surprise in store
More than five pounds for a sandwich and a lousy cup of tea
That's not honesty in business, call that daylight robbery.

That Greed Is Addictive

That greed is addictive only true to say
The millionaire dreams of becoming a billionaire one day
The demon greed many in life does pursue
That much always craves more happens to be true

The Thing Known As Greed

Some people with each other are born to compete
To be best in their neighborhood or best on their street
To be best in the Nation or even be best Worldwide
It is all about self and it is all about pride

Where Human Greed Is Prevalent

Of the power of their money wealthy people may boast
But where human greed is prevalent Nature does suffer most
For the wealth she possesses people dig in our Mother Earth's ground
Most natural environmental damage occurs where human greed does abound

The Gene Of Greed In Us

The gene of greed in us is not to be denied
Many with more than enough do not seem satisfied
With them it does always seem much does want more
I only say here what has been said before

Linked To Human Greed

Quite an old adage but a truism indeed
That among the super wealthy minority there is no shortage of greed
Thousands of very poor people for every billionaire
Among the wealthiest of people generosity is rare

It Is All About Greed

It is all about greed and lust for wealth and fame
The siblings of narcissism for want of a better name
That is creating the huge gap in equality in the social divide
In a Human World where hidden poverty has nowhere left for to hide.

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