Where To Complain Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Where To Complain

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Where to go for complaint?
When king becomes blind and turn saint?
When kingdom is handed over to wolves
Whole mystery surrounds and treachery involves

Is it wise to turn the kingdom into holy land?
Leaving the subjects into the unholy hands?
Allow anarchy and misery to prevail
All rights and freedom may also to curtail

These were the old divine rights of the kings
King was master and we the animals in rings
No voice to be heard with clipping of wings
Not to even murmur and allowed to sing

Kings used to abdicate power in favour
Such a mad race shrouded in glamour
Such was state and no worry for subject
Power or authority only main object

Kings have vanished but leaders are born
Only power game and principles torn
Who knows which side they may turn?
Monarchy is over or likely to return

People still favour old king’s system
Voice was still heard…………………
Thousands of leaders have come into being
Promises forgotten and no welfare to bring

God may save country from clutch
King was accessible even within reach
Leaders have worries and no time to spare
There is no use quality to compare

We have no choice but to live with evil
One may be less other may be more devil
Life is short and has to be compromised
When words are reneged initially promised

There is no use for blood to get boiled
Only strong resolves to get attempts foiled
Still nothing is slipped away and out of hand
Rule should prevail with respect to holy land

Sagarika Shah 06 September 2009

Is it wise to turn the kingdom into holy land? Leaving the subjects into the unholy hands?

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Ravi Sathasivam 01 September 2009

'When kingdom is handed over to wolves...' Very true. Great write. Thanks for sharing with me

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Catrina Heart 30 August 2009

There is no use for blood to get boiled Only strong resolves to get attempts foiled Still nothing is slipped away and out of hand Rule should prevail with respect to holy land 10++++++++++++ great meaningful poem! ~

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Life is short and has to be compromised When words are reneged initially promised Thousands of leaders have come into being Promises forgotten and no welfare to bring----> they brought nothing... just liar saying and counterfeit dicta

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Edwina K 30 August 2009

When kingdom is handed over to wolves.....10

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Dr Dillip K Swain 29 August 2021

A thoughtful write sir, well penned!

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Sachin Goswami 04 October 2009

These were the old divine rights of the kings King was master and we the animals in rings No voice to be heard with clipping of wings

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Eyan Desir 12 September 2009

Good write........................10s

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Yacov Mitchenko 11 September 2009

The poem is about the ancient rights of kings. All too often kings would ignore what's in the best interest of the citizens. Their major concern was yielding and maintaining power. But, according to the poem, live as we do on this planet, we have to make compromises and learn to live with evil. But that doesn't exactly mean folding up our hands and giving up. We can develop ourselves spiritually, on the quiet, and poor leaders over time will simply disappear. After all, it's well known that leaders are embodiments of our own passions; they are not all that different from us. They may love power, but so do we. It's just that they're in a position to exercise their power more (though today, some of those tendencies are curbed through assemblies and courts) . Thank you, sir. It's a thoughtful piece.

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Dr. Sonal Chhaya 10 September 2009

Life is short and has to be compromised When words are reneged initially promised There is no use for blood to get boiled Only strong resolves to get attempts foiled Still nothing is slipped away and out of hand Rule should prevail with respect to holy land ............very well written. apt...Thanks for sharing

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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