$10 A Gallon? Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

$10 A Gallon?

Rating: 2.8

$10 a gallon?
For what?

'Does that really matter now?
When it approached
One dollar per gallon...
You should have voiced your concern then!
Not when your pockets have gotten thin.
And deepened to hold more lint!
You want to make cents?
Put these sunglasses on.
Grab a twig from a bush...
And get to begging!
You might gain some sympathy,
From someone who recognizes you are in disguise.
And they are in the mood,
To share with you their good attitude.
IF they have some of 'that' left! '

Seamus O Brian 07 September 2016

Enjoyable. Thank you!

2 1 Reply
Amitava Sur 18 December 2014

Congratulation Lawrence.... very well written aspect....

2 1 Reply
Rose Kanana 26 August 2016

Good message...timely voicing of issues.

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Unnikrishnan E S 01 May 2016

Lawrence, A haunting poem, long after you have gone through it. Calling back again and again. Ordinary words, but extraordinary poetry. It just as Rabindranath Tagore wrote: That words have meanings is just the difficulty. That is why the poet has to turn ans twist them in meter and verse, so that the meaning may be held some what in check and the feeling allowed a chance to express itself. Yes, Lawrence, you have achieved a free flow of feelings. Much above the meanings and words. That is what poetry really is. Excellent. Congrats. Keep writing.

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Babatunde Aremu 18 December 2014

What is the meaning of this? please do decode. All the same, Congrats

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Congratulations. This poem ranks #05 in the Best Poems of Members.

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Bishwa Neupane 20 August 2022

Well written

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Craig Edwards 04 February 2022

Well executed poem Lawrence. Our bodies will return to the ground but our words will live on forever.

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Kehinde Salahudeen 07 August 2021

This is very interesting

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Pratanu Banerjee 14 February 2021

really amazing poem

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