Poems Without Readers Poem by Rose Marie Juan-austin

Poems Without Readers

Rating: 4.9

Poems without readers
Are like lonely wallflowers
On the wide dance floor.

Copyright 2018, Rose Marie Juan-Austin, All Rights Reserved

Poems Without Readers
Kesav Easwaran 22 January 2020

Well said Rose Marie. Thanks for sharing this piece 10+

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Dr Dillip K Swain 27 December 2019

A poem of great value and substance! I love reading this little poem of yours repeatedly with utmost pleasure!

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Harindhar Reddy 14 April 2020

Hmm it's true if not for readers what is poetry. Aptly said in your small poetic jewel. 10+++ Rating to the poem and poet.

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Soran M. H 10 March 2020

This imagery is unique..but unfortunately nowadays the poetry is in crisis..it is hard to find a good poetry reader...brilliant for this lovely piece of work...always rating with a nice 10 dear poet Rose

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Bri Edwards 09 October 2023

What IS a 'good poetry reader'? ? ? ? ? Hmm? bri edwards : )

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Kingsley Egbukole 10 October 2023

Every book has its readers. Someday someone will read the poems.

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Bri Edwards 09 October 2023

I DO AGREE that wallflowers and poems may be 'lonely', sometimes 'against their wills/desires, BUT TRUTHFULLY it's the human poets who may be 'lonely'. I doubt that POEMS have feelings in reality. : ) ,

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Bri Edwards 09 October 2023

I used to think of a wallflower as also a 'plain or unattractive female at a dance', but possibly anxious/wanting to be asked to dance by a male.

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Bri Edwards 09 October 2023

I AM NOT a 'WALLFLOWER', yet many of my poems 'sit against the dance room wall, more than ready to 'DANCE'! ! !

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Bri Edwards 09 October 2023

'wallflower': 'informal. a shy person, especially a girl or woman, who is frightened to involve herself in social activities and does not attract much interest or attention: Sooner or later someone would take pity on the poor wallflower and ask her to dance.'

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Rose Marie Juan-austin

Rose Marie Juan-austin

Laoag City, Philippines
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