Lonely Is Just One Word Poem by Mary Havran

Lonely Is Just One Word

Rating: 4.5

Lonely is just one word chosen to represent so much
To tell of feelings inside that the senses cannot touch

Lonely can be in the teardrops on a bereaved person's cheek
Lonely can be in the silence of sorrows too deep to speak

Lonely can haunt a deserted room that Laughter once made proud
Lonely surrounds you when you're alone or finds you in a crowd

Lonely is heard in echoed footsteps of a departing friend
Lonely penetrates the solitude of nights that will not end

Lonely will not listen to the pleadings of a broken heart
Lonely stays and torments until new Love shatters it apart

Lonely Is Just One Word
Brandon Martin 21 April 2009

i love this poem. i like how you really understood the word lonely... you really caught my attention when it can hit you anywhere at any given time. nice job, keep up the good work... :) oh how do you realate to it?

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Debbie Cook 26 February 2010

Beautiful. I have shared it on my MySpace. Thank you...

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Amy Love 26 August 2009

very nice i love the last line thanks

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Lindsey Ashton 13 October 2008

this is really good, i like the rhythm the poem sets you to, very wise.

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NeiL . 06 March 2009

Awesome Poem Mary, Lonely could be anyones bittersweet companion, a familiar friend, You can be surrounded by so many people and still feel lonely.

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john (called jack) wren 19 September 2021

my kind of poem, beautiful words that flow from the heart

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cc 06 January 2021

Lovely poem. When was this written?

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Bharati Nayak 03 February 2019

Lonely is just one word chosen to represent so much To tell of feelings inside that the senses cannot touch - - - - - - -I found this poem in Bri Edwards' February 2019 Showcase poems.It is really a wonderful poem touching the core of heart.Congratulations for such a beautiful write!

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Leela chatterjee 26 June 2018

Loneliness represents many things. People can feel lonely even in a crowded place.

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Mapalo 01 June 2018

What a nice piece. it feels like it talked to me.

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