As Soon As Fred Gets Out Of Bed Poem by Jack Prelutsky

As Soon As Fred Gets Out Of Bed

Rating: 3.9

As soon as Fred gets out of bed,
his underwear goes on his head.
His mother laughs, 'Don't put it there,
a head's no place for underwear! '
But near his ears, above his brains,
is where Fred's underwear remains.

At night when Fred goes back to bed,
he deftly plucks it off his head.
His mother switches off the light
and softly croons, 'Good night! Good night! '
And then, for reasons no one knows,
Fred's underwear goes on his toes.

As Soon As Fred Gets Out Of Bed
Kalinda Evers 07 November 2011

Though it is funny and certainly entertaining, it's just the things the boy does sound like he's acting out. In the back of my mind I just can't get this thought that this poem is bad out of my head. Maybe I'm letting my past colour my opinion, but. That last sentence, it strikes me. 'And then, for reasons no one knows, Fred's underwear goes on his toes.' It sounds like abuse.

100 193 Reply
C Peak 13 July 2012

I think this poem is hilarious. The content is funny and absurd at the same time, and the lines have a lyrical rhythm that can be read like a song. Can you just imagine your brother (or son, or possibly yourself) running around with underwear on his head! If you have ever had brothers, I'm sure you can identify. Humor and personal connections are important when teaching students about poetry. No abuse intended here....just reality! My students loved it!

141 135 Reply
Kevin Diaz 24 January 2010

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lolx100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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Clement 16 July 2022


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Stacy vickers 12 January 2023

I was just kidding. This child is clearly acting out. I fully agree with Kalinda evers. This poem is giving children the idea that putting your nasty underwear on your head.

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Stacy vickers 12 January 2023


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Nabakishore Dash 23 August 2021

Induced smile on my lips although sealed.when is it borne on the right place is a mistry.

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i like lollypop 21 April 2021

this poem is funny like L.O.L

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Sammy Dunbar 14 September 2020

This poem is funny he doesn't know where to put his underwear

5 2 Reply

you big dumb

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Jack Prelutsky

Jack Prelutsky

Brooklyn, New York
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