Herbert Nehrlich Night Poems

The Last Night Of The Longhorns

And once upon another time,
when all the animals had
settled their minor
disagreements over

A Starry Night

It was as if the skies
had kissed this Mother Earth
so that her sparkling eyes
gave rise to precious birth.

Night Soil

When I am lonely
for human company
I pull myself up by the bootstraps,
- sometimes the suspenders -

The Night Is Black My Friend

And once again, I linger.
Dark is the night
in Southern lands
but finding it, unerringly

Night Stalkers

'Twas past the twilight hour.
A timid knock woke me from sleep.
Before my faculties had re-ignited,
the door pushed open and the hinges squeaked.

The Night My Father Died

I wasn't home that stormy night
the fragrance of pink Frangipani had
forever captured me, that bittersweet
magician of soft velvet, alight

She Came Back That Night

The sign said COLD ROOM in bold letters.
The hometown cemetery needed
a storage place for the departed
to rest their worn out bones three days.

The Night Pot

If you get old in Germany,
and in the night you have to pee,
remember, they have a tradition
to master this nocturnal mission,

Limerick For A Friday Night

I once dated an overweight girl.
She was cute and her first name was Shirl.
When we tried to make love
after push and much shove

Sunday Night In The Kitchen

Yes, I am flattered,
but not enough
to spare you, little shit,
a roach of any

Night Terrors Of Little Vincent

'Night, Mama, love you, ' 'I do too.'
I wake, some noise has just disturbed
my slumber, even Teddy
my bear and faithful friend at night

One Night Stand

A flower, young and pretty pink
stood where a sailor took his drink.
The sailor was a stocky man
and blocked the wind as big blokes can.

Night Games

He did and it was heavenly,
but then she said she had to pee,
retreat he yelled, the felon heard,
and to the dunny went the bird.

Night Moths

A solitary dropp of chlorophyll
ran down, in one small rivulet her leg,
the sun had worked its magic in an overkill
and photosynthesis had warmed the oval egg.

Gray Cats At Night

I was so friggin' proud of her,
simply because she really was
without a flaw, as if ye Gods
had made her specially for me.

An Early Night

Silence has arrived,
in all the chambres,
pillows are fluffed
and there is barely a hint

Boats Passing In The Night

I look for any sign,
dark pupils hope
as shades of gray appear,
blurs growing into blue,

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