...! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ....All When Ephemeral.....! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Poem by Dr subhendu kar

...! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ....All When Ephemeral.....! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Rating: 2.7

light enlightens gallows of darkness
truth is stark reality by flow idyll
we do exist today by non-existence tomorrow
iffy dream lays back to happen by desire

breeze seems to grimace for a while
sun is bright with brilliant light premised
does it never suffers by black clouds?
yes storm ruins the calmness of wind

all when ephemeral in its own way
darkness fails to blanket night all time
day comes with sparkling hello ness
pain melts away nipping the tides

time is a great healer of milling sorrows
jasmine awaits night to diffuse its muse
never yet stops its fragrance slogging to clouds
pain is no pain by endurance, thy beauty divine

rajagopal h 16 November 2008

when we feel pain has to be endured how about pleasure? ...wonderful poem sequencing events...great imagery Dr

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Seema Chowdhury 15 November 2008

time is a gret healer..... lovely poem and nice phrase used to compose it. i really enjoyed this poem thanks for sharing your beautiful insight with all.

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Sandra Fowler 15 November 2008

A rich metaphorical experience. The mood is captivating, the imagery very memorable. Ten for your eloquent pen, Dr. Kar. Warm regards, Sandra

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Rani Turton 15 November 2008

Beautiful poem, profound and enduring. Life and existence evoked in unmistable terms.

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Ramesh T A 15 November 2008

It reminds me of Shakespeare's famous lines coming in Henry IV - Thought's the slave of life, Life's time's fool and Time that takes survey of all must have an end! Indeed Time absorbs everything in this world! If good things happen time will be appreciated; but only bad things happen one will say as Shakespeare has said!

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Bharati Nayak 13 December 2017

time is a great healer of milling sorrows jasmine awaits night to diffuse its muse never yet stops its fragrance slogging to clouds pain is no pain by endurance, thy beauty divine - - - - - - Exquisitely beautiful lines - - -Pain is no pain as it melts away by beauty divine.Congratulations for such a lovely poem.

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Rinzu Susan Rajan 24 November 2008


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Naseer Ahmed Nasir 19 November 2008

Yes! time is a great healer of milling sorrows and pain is no pain by endurance.Every thing is ephemerous in this world, even the life itself is an ephemera. No thing is forever except the divine beauty. A beautiful piece of poetry with consolatory effects.

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Mary Das 19 November 2008

A beautiful poem. Very true. We should live the life. This poem is a great reminder. A very good piece.

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Lynne Howard 18 November 2008

Beautiful poem. Life is so short and we should try to live it in a compassionate way. Thanks for sharing!

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Dr subhendu kar

Dr subhendu kar

Bhubaneswar, Odissa, India
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