Fabrizio Frosini

Fabrizio Frosini Poems

«Let this fluffy snow fall upon our
Dreams and make them shine! »

Set free,

Yearning for tenderness.
The one lost —It's so long -so long

Making the best of what we had
Was our first deal. Pity it was not
Enough. Just a
Pre-destined route.

Go beyond the past.
Go beyond the present..

Will you love me when night

. « I shall remember while the light lasts
. And in the darkness I shall not forget »
. ['Non-Catholic' Cemetery, Rome: headstone 2515]

«Wer noch kein / Melancholiker ist, / Muß es hier werden»

At the first shadows upon Arcetri, step by step -absorbed

('Kings Prefer Cheese Over Fried Green Spinach')

Walking in the bush, late in the afternoon: Spring winding trails
Among Plantae et Animalia.

At first I mistook you for my own shadow
under the shroud
Of the horizon, in a pale early morning, when
a burst of misty blue

[Suite in F major: Ouverture]

('nézte a csillagokat') *

Myth has it that the riches of the rich are good for all the people
And such a fable has got so many performances that it’s easy
To be swayed into thinking that it’s just the truth.
But when I see the eyes of the poor, aloof in their bare poverty,

[November 13,2015, Paris - Europe, our world]

All night
On the neural paths, have rushed - shiny -
The shapes of the world, yearning for
Scepters of mountains

«Wer noch kein / Melancholiker ist, / Muß es hier werden»

Alle prime ombre su Arcetri, a passi


At the edge of the universe I live
Beyond the bend of Time.


I want to be alone, so to forget the World. Want

«Lasciamo che questa neve leggera cada sui nostri
Sogni e li faccia risplendere! »

Reso libero,

. «I shall remember while the light lasts
. And in the darkness I shall not forget»
. ['Non-Catholic' Cemetery, Rome: headstone 2515]


« What is Poetry? »
Heavens no! Don’t ask me;

[Suite in Fa: Ouverture]

('nézte a csillagokat')

Fabrizio Frosini Biography

Born in Tuscany, Italy. Currently living close to Florence and to Vinci, Leonardo's hometown. Doctor in Medicine, specialized in Neurosurgery, with an ancient passion for Poetry. Author of over 2,000 poems, in 16 Collections (see at the bottom) . Books published [both eBooks and Printed Editions]: Books published as sole Author: – «The Chinese Gardens – English Poems» – English Edition (also in Italian Edition: – «I Giardini Cinesi»): – «KARUMI – Haiku & Tanka»; – «Allo Specchio di Me Stesso» ('In the Mirror of Myself') - Italian Edition; – «Il Vento e il Fiume» ('The Wind and the River') - Italian Edition; – «A Chisciotte» ('To Quixote') - Italian Edition; – «Il Puro, l'Impuro – Kosher/Treyf» ('The pure, the Impure – Kosher / Treyf') - Italian Ed.; – «Frammenti di Memoria – Carmina et Fragmenta» ('Fragments of Memories') - Italian Ed.; – «La Città dei Vivi e dei Morti» ('The City of the Living and the Dead') - Italian Edition; – «Nella luce confusa del Crepuscolo» ('In the fuzzy light of Twilight') - Italian Edition; – «La Chiave dei Sogni» ('The Key to Dreams') - Italian Edition; – «Echi e Rompicapi» ('Puzzles & Echoes') - Italian Edition; – «Ballate e Altre Cadenze» ('Ballads & Other Cadences') - Italian Edition; – «Selected Poems – ?p??e?µ??a ????µata – Poesie Scelte» – GREEK, ENGLISH, ITALIAN; – «Prelude to the Night – English Poems» – English Edition (also in Italian Edition: – «Preludio alla Notte»): ~*~ Under publication: «A Season for Everyone - Haiku & Tanka Poetry» – English Edition; «Il sentiero della luna» [" The moon's path" ] – Italian Edition; ~*~ Anthologies published by Fabrizio Frosini: – «At The Crossing Of Seven Winds» – English Edition; – «Nine Tales Of Creation» – English Edition; – «Scattering Dreams & Tales» – English Edition; – «We Are The Words - Siamo Parole» – BILINGUAL EDITION: ENGLISH-ITALIAN; – «Whispers to the World - Sussurri al Mondo» – BILINGUAL EDITION: ENGLISH-ITALIAN; – «The Double Door» - English Edition (poems by Fabrizio Frosini and Daniel J. Brick): – «Poetry Against Terror» - English Edition; – «How to write Poetry, A Handbook - Come scrivere Poesie, Manuale» - BILINGUAL EDITION: ENGLISH-ITALIAN; – «Poets Against Inequality» – English Edition; – «By Land & By Seas» – English Edition; – «Voices without veils» – English Edition; – «Singing Together – Poems for Christmas» – English Edition; – «We All Are Persons – Why Gender Discrimination? » – English Edition; – «Our Chains, Our Dreams» Part I. – English Edition; – «Our Chains, Our Dreams» Part II. – English Edition; – «Our Chains, Our Dreams» Part III. – English Edition; – «A Note, A Word, A Brush: Ode To The Arts» – English Edition; – «Seasons of the Fleeting World – Writing Haiku» - English Edition; – «Our Only World – Poetry for Planet Earth» - English Edition; – «Time to show up – Poets for Democracy» - English Edition; – «Let's Laugh Together – Poems for Children» - English Edition; – «Moments of Lightness – Haiku & Tanka» - English Edition; – «United We Stand – Poets Against Terror» - English Edition; – «When Love is Bitter» – English Edition; – «From an Old Path – Contemporary European Poetry» – English Edition; – «Tunes from the Indian Subcontinent – Contemporary Poetry» – English Edition; – «Whispering to the Heart – Contemporary African Poetry» – English Edition; – «Hues of the World – Contemporary Poetry» – English Edition; – «Fifty-six Female Voices of Contemporary Poetry» – English Edition; – «The Sounds of America – Contemporary American Poetry» – English Edition; – «Homo Homini Lupus... Why To kill a Mockingbird? » – English Edition; – «Essays on the World of Humans» (by F. Frosini & D.J. Brick) - English Edition; – «Through Time, Through Space» – English Edition. ~*~ Under publication: – «Poems for the Winter» – English Edition. ~*~ Some of Frosini's poems are also published in the Anthology " Riflessi 62" (Italian Edition) , edited by Pagine Srl. ~*~ Frosini's 16 Collections: «Il sentiero della luna» [" The moon's path" ], «Il puro, l'impuro – Kosher/Treyf» [" The pure, the impure – Kosher / Treyf" ], «Frammenti di Memoria – Carmina et Fragmenta» [" Fragments of Memory – Carmina et Fragmenta" ], «Ballate e altre Cadenze» [" Ballads and other cadences" ], «Echi e Rompicapi» [" Puzzles and Echoes" ], «La Chiave dei Sogni» [" The Key of Dreams" ], «Il Vento e il Fiume» e altre Poesie [" The Wind and the River" and other poems], «La Città dei Vivi e dei Morti» [" The City of the Living and the Dead" –epic of 1,200 verses], «A Chisciotte» e altre poesie [" To Quijote" and other poems], «Karumi – Haiku & Tanka», «Nella luce confusa del crepuscolo» [" In the fuzzy light of the twilight" ], «Allo Specchio di me stesso» [" In the mirror of myself" ], «The Chinese gardens – English Poems», «Prelude to the night – English Poems», «La casa fatta di foglie» [" The house made of leaves" ], «A Season for Everyone - Haiku & Tanka Poetry». ~*~ In Frosini's Poetry: 1. The Truth is Affirmed; 2. Beauty is Conveyed; 3. The Personal becomes the Universal. One of the key terms in contemporary poetry is 'POETRY OF WITNESS'. " Florence, A Walk With A View" is an excellent example of this type of poem. It exchanges the anger we experienced in the preceding poem with melancholy, but this is a haunted and desperate melancholy, not at all like the word's root meaning of sweet sorrow. Yet, in Fabrizio Frosini’s poem, the city charms the visitor with its natural beauty – " the silky lights of the / Sunset" – and artistic ambiance – " the intimate warmth of nostalgia that makes / Your heart melt at the sight around" . In the finest poetry, beauty is conveyed in all of it sensuous and spiritual glory. The title " Water Music" refers to one of Handel's most popular works, a masterpiece of baroque melody, rhythm and harmony. The poem, however, is not about this music.. here is a shining element of the beauty this poem conveys – " I was in my room, staring at the clear sky through the window. The moon, so pale and magical, drawing my imagination to her. In my ears Handel's music was playing softly." – There is the beauty of VITA NOVA, in this Frosini's poem: Dante's idealization of Beatrice with its artistic and moral benefits experienced by a contemporary couple. And finally the beauty of sublimation, when an otherwise sensuous experience must be transferred to the plane of the Imagination. Other Frosini's poem, like “Nocturnal Snowing”, are Poems of Memory, that reveal the persistence of an experience of mutual attraction in the poet's life over many decades. There, a young woman, who is forever young and lovely in the poet's mind, becomes a touchstone of emotional value. But not all good experiences are given a future by the hand of fate. And so Frosini's poetry also explores the emotional consequences of the loss of such a promising moment... The prevailing reaction in reader after reader is that Frosini's verses relate to their emotional lives. In other words, Fabrizio Frosini's personal experience reflects their personal experience, and thus the Personal becomes the Universal... [D.J.Brick] ~*~ Fabrizio Frosini)

The Best Poem Of Fabrizio Frosini

Nocturnal Snowing

«Let this fluffy snow fall upon our
Dreams and make them shine! »

Set free,
Your breath smoothens unshaken skies;
Your perception scratches unopened realities.

Is it a diversion -maybe- for lost thoughts,
For lost faces and sins?

Looking the other way out of fear or
Embarrassment, waking up next morning,
You should then learn
How to keep alive the drowsing mind,
While trying to shove away
Her plait of hair,
Jammed in the eyes of memory.

Ah.. Those haunting memories!

Was her pain real
When she asserted «That one is my spoiled dress!
My party dress
Which your eyes, filled with lust, tore off of me..»?

Hardly a twist of fate that
Multivalent perception which made
Visionary —Fanciful
Your unnecessary waiting.

Because she didn't come back.
Even at dawn. Even in your expectation.

Now your pain screams only through silence
When you sink your fingers deep
Into your bleeding heart —A sheer grief
With no voice anymore
Because day in day out, year after year
Everything becomes habit.

Gazing at the fluffy snow falling, you
Caught a glimpse of her —Along with a
Whiff of her perfume..

Peering deeply into your eyes
She spoke words of hope
Along with a promise -possibly-:

« A new life is looming beyond the whitened
Fields of your mind »

Hushed words, uttered under her breath,
Not to scrape the purity of the night.

Was it a prophecy?
The celebration of a triumph or a
Failure —A bloodcurdling nightmare?

Enough! I'm fed up!

I stare at my bloody fingers
And faintly sigh.


Copyright © Fabrizio Frosini - All rights reserved

Fabrizio Frosini Comments

Fabrizio Frosini 26 July 2016

over the past days I have noticed that there is a poor soul who cannot find anything better to do, in his/her empty life, than filling my pages with 'dislike'.. (also on the comments other poets have written here and on my poems) Hiding his/her identity behind the anonimity that PoemHunter grants everybody, this soul tortured by envy and -maybe- feelings of hate and revenge against 'the whole world' (? !) - who know? :) - , has big fun through such foolish entertainment. Well, for sure this is much better than getting a gun and go to the streets shooting to innocent people.. But it gives a lot of sadness to see how petty and miserable are such behaviors.. I'm not specialized in Psychiatry, but can understand that the void inside such a poor mind has to be a heavy burden to bear.. P.S.: I've asked my friends to add a number of 'like' whenever they feel that such a behaviour has been shown.. Thank you.

766 706 Reply
Fabrizio Frosini 26 July 2016

In the last couple of days -but expecially today- a PH member [not a real poet, and surely, not a 'normal' person] has targeted my page with tens and tens of 'dislikes' [more than 130 just to-day.. in a few hours.. regarding the do you like this poet? button only - they were 17 yesterday, and today (or better, up to this very moment..) they are 149! plus tens on each and every comment left by other poets on my page..], in a silly game that only qualifies the absolute void in his (or her) mind... And that also qualifies such a person (or better: 'psychiatric case') as a COWARD, who uses anonimity because he/she has not the nerve to show his/her face..

754 589 Reply
Fabrizio Frosini 04 August 2015

******************** UNO SPECIALE RINGRAZIAMENTO A TUTTI I LETTORI ******************** SPECIAL THANKS TO ALL YOU READERS Ho appena letto un messaggio che un amico poeta mi ha mandato un ora fa, segnalandomi che 2 mie poesie sono tra le più lette su Poem Hunter I've just read a message that a poet friend has sent me a hour ago, reporting that 2 poems of mine are among the most read ones on Poem Hunter... As I couldn't believe his words, I checked.. and yes.. seppur incredibile, è proprio così! - although incredible, that's it what PoemHunter says.. - - - ] ''NOCTURNAL SNOWING'' today is '' # 99 poem on top 500 Poems '' and it is listed 'number 9' in the list ''Top 500 Member Poems'' - - - ] ''TENDERNESS'', is also in those lists: # 141 poem on '' top 500 Poems '', plus n.12 in the list ''Top 500 Member Poems'' Cosa dire? non posso ancora crederci! - What can I say... Well, I can't believe it yet...! ! CAN'T BELIEVE MY EYES..! ... THANK YOU SO MUCH... THANKS TO ALL OF YOU, dear Readers! GRAZIE! * greetings from Italy *

479 244 Reply
Roby Grillus 04 August 2015

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ''NOCTURNAL SNOWING'' today is listed ''number 9'' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NO, IT IS LISTED SEVEN, 7 , not 9))) CONGRATULATIONS)))

456 251 Reply
Pamela Sinicrope 29 September 2015

Frosini is a great poet, thinker, and collaborative colleague. His poems are written with great care, every word carefully placed and chosen, whether the writing is in Italian or English. He has a great command of both languages. His poetry details what is important in life to most: memory, love, loss, longing... There seems to be a nice balance of realism, Impressionism, and lifelong experience... as a surgeon, a man, a philosopher.

416 251 Reply

Today's Poet Of Day, featured on PoemHunter is Dr Fabrizio Frosini, our own Doctor Fab. Congratulations to Doctor Fabrizio and all my fellow poets on PoemHunter.

1 0 Reply

Fabrizio Frosini, is one of the finest poet that i have known. He writes not just with his pen but with his heart. A warm human being who has gathered poets world wide to work together for the cause of peace and harmony. Remain happy, healthy and blessed, dear Dr. Fabrizio Frosini.

1 0 Reply
Michael Walker 25 September 2019

Always a competent translator from English to Italian and vice-versa. Fabrizio has taken long strides forward in original ideas (imagination) , and technique.He reaches across Italian and English cultures effortlessly.

11 0 Reply
Anzelyne Shideshe 19 February 2019

The day I knew you my path changed, thank you For you are a great mentor.God bless you more.

23 0 Reply
Kumarmani Mahakul 01 October 2018

On behalf of all fellow poets, PH Family and our Mahakul family a title of honour is offered to poet Fabrizio Frosini born in 1953 in Tuscany, Italy, as, Poetic Healer From today on-wards he will be known as Poetic Healer Fabrizio Frosini. We hope all poets and visitors will accept this. This honorary title is given to him due to his contribution in service of mankind, literature and translation. We congratulate him and wish him all the best for his future.

7 1 Reply

Fabrizio Frosini Quotes

‎'Est unusquisque faber ipsae suae fortunae' ['Ognuno è artefice del proprio destino'] ['Everyone is the architect of his own destiny']

'Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.'

«Nam Sibyllam quidem Cumis ego ipse oculis meis vidi in ampulla pendere, et cum illi pueri dicerent: Σίβυλλα τί θέλεις; respondebat illa: ἀποθανεῖν θέλω.» ************************************************************************************************************************ - It is quoted by T.S. Eliot in 'The Waste Land' (1922) - - - The quote refers to the mythic Cumaean Sibyl who bargained with Apollo, offering her virginity for years of life totaling as many grains of sand as she could hold in her hand. But, after spurning his love, he allowed her to wither away over the span of her near-immortality, as she forgot to ask for eternal youth. - The Satyricon tells of the misadventures of a former gladiator through the Roman Empire in the first century A.D. Only fragments of the story still exist. The scene Eliot quotes occurs during a feast at the villa of a wealthy buffoon named Trimalchio. - Sibyl of Cumae was a prophetess in service to Apollo and a great beauty. Apollo wished to take her as his lover and offered her anything she desired. She asked to live for as many years as there were grains in a handful of dust. Apollo granted her wish, but still she refused to become his lover. In time, Sibyl came to regret her boon as she grew old but did not die. She lived for hundreds of years, each year becoming smaller and frailer, Apollo having given her long life but not eternal youth. - When Trimalchio speaks of her in the Satyricon, she is little more than a tourist attraction, tiny, ancient, confined, and longing to die. - - Secondo la leggenda, Apollo le aveva promesso di esaudire qualunque suo desiderio in cambio del suo amore; ella gli chiese di poter vivere altrettanti anni quanti erano i granelli di sabbia che poteva tenere nella sua mano. Trascurò, tuttavia, di domandare al dio anche l'eterna giovinezza, che Apollo le offrì in cambio della sua verginità. In seguito al rifiuto la Sibilla Cumana iniziò ad invecchiare e a rinsecchire fino ad assomigliare ad una cicala e a essere appesa in una gabbia del tempio di Apollo, a Cuma. In queste condizioni la Sibilla aveva un solo desiderio: la morte..

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