Freedom Poem by Royston Allen


Rating: 4.0

Freedom to give
Freedom to live
Freedom to question why

Freedom to walk
Freedom to talk
Freedom to live or to die

Freedom to sing
Freedom to swing
Freedom to just walk on by

Freedom to speak
Freedom to seek
Freedom to laugh or to cry

Freedom to work
or even to shirk
Freedom to save or to buy

Freedom to please
and sometimes to tease
Freedom to smile or to sigh

Freedom to be
Freedom to see
Freedom to aspire so high

Freedom to hold
Freedom to enfold
Freedom to grant or deny

Freedom that's mine
Freedom divine
Freedom no money can buy

Saturday, June 29, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: freedom
There's a freedom that only Christ can give
A freedom that allows the soul to live
Such freedom is not confined to the earth
It's one that comes by spiritual rebirth.
Safca Smith 28 August 2013

i love it makes me feel free ;)

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Vipins Puthooran 01 July 2013

freedom is freedom/free from the kingdom of slavery..... 'tis a good poem! ! !

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David Wood 30 June 2013

Well penned poem but what is freedom? Is it money, your socual status or none of the above?

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Paul Brookes 30 June 2013

Good poem. Those in power only want us to have their definition of freedom. What is freedom? A very illusive thing BB =: OD

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Armughan Mirza 17 August 2013

a very nice and great use of rhymes there. i humbly invite you all to read my poems

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Chinedu Dike 13 November 2019

An insightful piece of poetry elegantly embellished with poetic rhyme and rhythm. A beautiful work of art. Thanks for sharing, Royston.

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Rajnish Manga 16 August 2017

Freedom- physical, economic, political and spiritual- is foremost and it cannot be bartered for anything in this world. Nicely conceptualized and presented. Thanks a lot.

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Gangadharan Nair Pulingat 16 February 2015

A very best poem on freedom and likes.

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Gangadharan Nair Pulingat 16 February 2015

A very best poem on freedom and likes.

1 2 Reply
Gangadharan Nair Pulingat 16 February 2015

A very best poem on freedom and likes.

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