Butterfly Laughter Poem by Katherine Mansfield

Butterfly Laughter

Rating: 3.2

In the middle of our porridge plates
There was a blue butterfly painted
And each morning we tried who should reach the
butterfly first.
Then the Grandmother said: 'Do not eat the poor
That made us laugh.
Always she said it and always it started us laughing.
It seemed such a sweet little joke.
I was certain that one fine morning
The butterfly would fly out of our plates,
Laughing the teeniest laugh in the world,
And perch on the Grandmother's lap.

Butterfly Laughter
Marilyn Lott 23 October 2009

Another adorable poem by Ms. Mansfield. Loved it! A '10! ' I'm not going to tell her to keep writing as I've noticed some have, since she died in 1923! : 0) Marilyn

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Ramesh T A 10 March 2012

Ha, ha, ha...! Nice technique of grand mother makes children take food fast! She lives forever indeed through this poem!

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Tom Allport 22 December 2016

what a lovely memory of your grandmother and family

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Kim Barney 13 February 2015

Loved this poem about the butterfly. I love butterflies. Check out my poem BUTTERFLY OF DEATH.

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Suryendu Chaudhury 25 September 2020

Penned on a emotionally perceptive level.

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Savita Tyagi 21 April 2020

One happy little poem that made me smile too.

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Harshit Sahani 07 April 2020

We learn from this Poem that for our own happiness no one should bother inadvertently even if it .

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Castellenas John 25 March 2019

A wonderful story in the poem. I did enjoy.

1 4 Reply
Unknown 06 April 2020

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Bisy Untan 21 February 2019

I appreciate the poetic flair. Thank you.

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