A Country Girl In Love Poem by Anil Kumar Panda

A Country Girl In Love

Rating: 4.7

You don't have to go to the dale
To find her playing with a butterfly;
She would hide from you
As she is young and shy;

You can't see her among trees and bushes
For she does not stay in a place;
Just track down her in fields
On her head she has done a new lace;

She may be on the hill, sitting on stone
And staring at the sky in a pensive mood;
She has been going there to watch
The flitting clouds since her childhood;

Yonder at the edge of dale you can see
Her squatting by the river side playing;
With sands, snails and pebbles
Watching the boats as they go down gliding;

Sometimes I watch her lithely tread
The narrow paths across the desolate field;
Her eyes looking for someone
Where the green crops wild flowers yield;

She is lost in herself and wanders through
Vales, forests, hills and hot desert;
Singing, dancing, laughing and murmuring
No one knows what is in her heart;

Sometimes they think she has met
Someone somewhere in those lonely lands;
Who fell in love with her and promised
To return and would ask her for her hands;

A Country Girl In Love
Nosheen Irfan 02 September 2018

Very picturesque. Rhyme, rhythm, music, beauty, all is there. I would certainly like to visit the countryside after reading this poem.

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the poetieer 04 July 2019

bravo bravo this is a very goood poetry (smileyface, smiileyface, smileyface)

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the poetieer 04 July 2019

ur so amazing keep writing these comments

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the poetieer 04 July 2019

ur an absolute beast

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the poetieer 04 July 2019

ur comments r the highlight of every single one of my days

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Maria Mitea 25 May 2022

Fabulous Work, Anil!

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me poet yeps poet 08 March 2022

can't ever forget the country girl she must now be sweet and loving AKP REMEBER ME PPME

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Unnikrishnan E S 20 February 2022

Marvellous poem. The ‘blithe spirit" that is this village girl…. Top score..and myfav

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Nosheen Irfan 04 October 2021

Beautiful imagery. Easy flow of words. You take the reader to a state of utopia. Nature and emotions combined effortlessly and enchantingly.

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Susan Williams 24 January 2021

Part 2. Such a loveliness in these wanderings by the young maiden watched by a gentle minded poet. Top top marks! ! ! Also favoriting this poem!

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