Regeneration Of Broken Heart Strings Poem by Terence Craddock

Regeneration Of Broken Heart Strings

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an empty heart
a hollowed out heart
is a stillborn heart

in danger of implosion
collapsing violently inward
death in a broken heart

a life sudden stripped bare
devoid of pulse love hope
a heart stopped between

heart beats silent frozen
to die between heartbeats
impaled upon lost love

is past regeneration start
it must be remade anew
life cycles life renews

how leaf are our lives
how easily is heart impaled
how easily is all love lost

take a leaf life
how leaf we are
any green leaf

let a butterfly on wing come
let a butterfly lay an egg
let egg on green leaf grow

let egg hatch into a larva
small round oval or cylindrical egg
look close carefully at egg

see larva inside growing in egg sack
see tiny caterpillar inside growing
birth born a caterpillar to eat eat

eat green leaves eat first what
to eat the leaf caterpillar was born on
eating eating growing expanding

caterpillar exoskeleton skin molting
shedding outgrown skin several times
caterpillar growing growing growing

into full length prime weight size
energy to transform into pupa chrysalis
caterpillar is not resting caterpillar is

rapidly changing changing dissolving
body into death liquid to make new life
as dead heart must transform into new heart

caterpillar short stubby chubby no wings
we bid you adieu you little roly-poly
fur ball eating machine on stubby stubby legs

within chrysalis old body parts are recycled
liquid soup dissolved caterpillar gets full
makeover undergoing not mere plastic surgery

but a complete remarkable transformation
tissue limbs organs caterpillar are gone
metamorphosis remake into beautiful parts

a new creature a new being will emerge
butterfly slow miracle time first emerges
from chrysalis into a totally new world

both wings still soft folded against its body
butterfly space fit all grew new parts inside
pupa a wonder new being growth chrysalis

slender long thin legs walk it baby spread
those wings sunlight preflight time dry
where old heart walked new heart will soar

life cycles heart if you let it like a butterfly
butterfly rested after coming out of chrysalis
pumps blood into wings in flight preparation

to get wings working flapping testing testing
then to flight gone gone around garden gone
three or four-hour period preparing preparing

butterfly will master flying flying flying
butterfly will search for a mate reproducing
this is DNA written into new heart new life

adult butterflies constantly on the look out
to reproduce a female butterfly to lay eggs
eggs laid on right caterpillar meal leaves

butterfly life cycle restarts will start over
human life cycle restarts will start over
broken heart must mend or evolution dead end

if you believe if you choose to see miracles
miracles will real time happen before your eyes
metamorphosis of hearts souls is happening

it is happening now silent silent listen listen
if you close eyes choose not to see you are blind
choose to see life renewal possibilities miracle life

Saturday, October 10, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: birth,change,heartache,heartbreak,hope,life,lost love,love,nature
Copyright © Terence George Craddock
Written in October 2020 on the 11.10.2020.
Inspired by the poem 'So Empty Is My Heart...' by the poet Mihaela Pirjol.
Dedicated to the poet Mihaela Pirjol.
Complete version of the split images 'Life Recycles Life Renews Broken Hearts', 'Leaf Fallen Love', 'Caterpillar Leaf Planted Life', 'Caterpillar Eating Energy: To Transform Into Pupa Chrysalis', 'Caterpillar To Butterfly Metamorphosis Birth', 'Butterfly Life Is Like Fluttering Love Life' and 'Miracles Wait For Those Who Take Time To See' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
Richard Wlodarski 11 October 2020

Wow! And Wow! This is truly a very inspirational poem. The vivid imagery is truly superb. As I was reading, I was watching the miracle(s) unfolding. And thanking God! I can't say enough about this poem. Such excellent piece of art, Terence! Bravo!

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Terry Craddock 12 November 2020

This is possibly the most enthusiastic and complimentary comment I ever received for a poem. Thank you Richard.

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