# # Am Not Just A Drop [in Top 500] Poem by Samanyan Lakshminarayanan

# # Am Not Just A Drop [in Top 500]

Rating: 4.5

born from a spring
from mother earth's womb

an adventurous child hood and teen
in a waterfall
in that whole lot a few drops will
perish or stagnate

a romantic trip in its youth
as a stream or river
a murmur of joy all the way
a few drops join in from
a different origin rain
in spite of different origins
a perfect blend of water the river becomes

the flowing river seems to ask me
' oh wise man can you say which dropp in me
came from rain...and
which from drain'

'you..your origins you uphold
we our origins we withhold
you..your origins you fight for
we our origins we surrender '

though damned in silence for a while...and
made use of by human
once into the sea..all these drops of water
sing the lord song of waves in unison

got to talk to a dropp of water.....
'who are you...where are you from'...i ask
'me...well i am all...am not just a drop'
the dropp swung back at me....the tiny sun in it
seemed to me like an eye
'see...don't you see you in me
see..don't you see the sun as my eye
that's me i am all...not just a dropp as you see'

Vijay Sai R 01 January 2010


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Pallichadath Balasubramanian 31 December 2009

Very good poem. Liked very much.

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Craig Anderson 21 December 2009

An excellently pieced together piece of prose. Top 500. It's because you are asking people to look at it. Would it not be more polite to vote and make a comment on a persons poem, then they can return the favour. Regards. Craig.

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Prince Obed de la Cruz 21 December 2009

thanks for sharing this poem... i can see here that you say it's in the top 500 poems.... well it deserves it!

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Romeo Della Valle 18 December 2009

We are all created to the image of God, therefore, we all are given the wisdom to be creative and show to the entire world what we individually we have become and letting the world be our judge, there is enough proof that you had proven sot, you have excelled, God Bless You, great job, keep it up, it is not an easy job, but at least we are trying, Love and Peace, Romeo, you got my honest vote,10++++

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Prabir Gayen 14 December 2018

Beautiful and spontaneous poem........

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Indira Renganathan 08 May 2018

This poem has a beautiful flow in wording and meaning like a river and a waterfall....and what a superb ending SL....wonderful- 10++++

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Jeff Pua 08 April 2010

great piece.. I like this..

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Pradyumna Jyotir 11 February 2010

a lovely piece of philosophy put together....

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Andrew Leamon 01 January 2010

I feel at times you fall into cliches and the music of the poem falls and then rises out of nowhere which was definitely unintentional. When I look beyond those things, I think it is pretty good poem and thanks for checking out my poetry.

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