Love 1 - Love Is All Embracing Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Love 1 - Love Is All Embracing

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Love is all embracing,
Pure and sublime
Which flows and keeps flowing
Like a never ending stream;
From the eternal river,
Pouring out the elixir of love,
Love that gushes out unreservedly,
From each cell of the body,
Through each pore of the skin,
From the depths of the heart,
Spreading its aroma,
Into the wide Universe!

Love is all embracing,
Love - that goes on and on,
Not like a sentence,
Punctuated with commas, colons
And full stops!
Nay! Not like a long sentence either,
That goes on into paragraphs,
Pages and paperbacks!
Like an eternal Bible,
That delivers the sermons,
Sprinkling its message,
Into every corner of the world!

Love is all embracing
Love that does not confine nor is confined,
To any shape size or structure,
Not a square, rectangle or triangle,
It is not like a street
Ending in a narrow lane,
Or a one-way street with a blind end.
It is not a box that can be shut and locked,
That remains safe and secure in a bank locker.
Love is like an open blue sky,
Where thousands of stars twinkle and smile
Brightly and beautifully, at the same time!

Love is all embracing,
Complete and fulfilled!
A part of the world starves,
Not of poverty alone like in Africa and India!
The world suffers,
Not just of food for the hungry,
Or of roof for the unsheltered,
Not even a rag for the unclothed,
But the world suffers and cries due to starvation of love!
Physical apathy is remediable.
But O! What about the apartheid?
That many people suffer from - the apartheid of love!

Love is all embracing,
Like the love of Gopis for their beloved Krishna,
The cowherd damsels of Vrindävana
Filled their hearts with the sweet strains
Of the magical flute - the spontaneous love,
Pure and unalloyed,
Singing with a honeyed voice,
Dancing with a languishing grace,
Breathing with a lingering whisper,
Flitting through the mundane affairs,
Yet, frolicking with the divine flute player,
Drunken profusely with nectar of divine love!
It was Krishna the flute player everywhere,
Nothing else mattered or existed,
Content, happy, no grievances, no complaints!
Only the sound of flute, a divine ecstasy!
All surrendered unto Him - the supreme Lord.
No more wishes, no more wandering thoughts,
Only 'Bhakti' - the path of divine love,
The pure 'Atma'merging with the purest 'Paramatma'!

Love is all embracing,
Like the love of Mother Mary,
Holy Mary -Full of Grace,
Beautiful and blessed,
Mother of God- Jesus Christ,
The Virgin Mother - Incarnation of God.
The ‘Word' of love - the ‘light' of truth!
The generous Mother Mary poured comfort and solace
To the weary, suffering souls,
Leading them towards the path of salvation!
To live a powerful and perfect life
Love needs to be showered
Without any reservations or resistance!
Forgiveness and tolerance,
Essential ingredients of love too!
When Mother Teresa held in her arms
The sick and forsaken,
She practised true Christian virtues
Of service with love,
And sacrifice without a murmur!

Love is all embracing,
Like the love of Jalaluddin Rumi for his God
And the wandering mystic Shams Tabriz!
Rumi's bond of intense emotion
Transformed and transmitted him
Into the realm of spiritual splendour!
Rumi's fantastic work of exquisite poetry
Of love- God and man-and the unity behind
'La'illaha il Allahu'-there is no reality other than God-
That sowed the seeds of love,
Pouring and converting the words of fragrance
Into exquisite lyrics of unimaginable joy!
The words of wisdom travelled like a wild wind,
From east to west, north to south
Purifying the souls that loved,
Leaving behind a heritage of love,
For the entire generation of the Sufis!
Rumi says: "Be drunken in love for love is all that matters,
Loved and lover will survive eternity,
Do not attach to anything but love."

Love is all embracing,
Like the loving compassion of Buddha,
A divine soul filled with infinite love
For the entire world and its Beings!
Siddharta's heart melted at this sight
Of the sick, the old and the dead,
Perturbed and troubled - He pondered.
Why should man suffer?
How can man eliminate sufferings?
Profound thoughts that haunted his questioning mind.
He left all - in search of Truth
Into thick forests amidst tranquil Nature!
Relentless meditation and persistent contemplation
Earned Siddharta spiritual illumination under a Bodhi tree.
He became the enlightened Buddha!
Buddha's merciful heart perceived love in all souls;
Be it a human, an animal or a tiny creature,
Be it a flower, creeper, leaf, or a even a stone;
An ocean of empathy - Buddha spread the fragrance
Of love and compassion, into every corner of this world!

Love is all embracing,
Eyes searching for the feast of love,
Ears straining for the sweet melody of love,
Nose seeking the fragrance of love,
Lips spelling the magic of love,
Fingers softening for the touch of love,
The five sensitive organs play
An amusing game of love!
Yet, this love so sweet and sensual,
Alas! A flitting merriment of self-indulgence
Momentary, fluctuating,
But sadly, transitory and impermanent!

Love is all embracing,
That should emerge from deep within
Limitless and infinite!
Without barriers or boundaries,
With no tall orders or terse rules,
Without any expectations or rewards!
Love has to be shared,
Love has to be offered,
Love has to be showered,
Continuously and graciously,
Generously and universally,
Into the wide, wide world!

Love 1 - Love Is All Embracing
This is a poem on pure love. Love is above everything else in this world. It is love that forms a close bond between man and man, between man and nature and between man and God. All are closely connected through the unity of love.

I thank all the poets who have read this poem and have given their valuable comments.
I am much grateful to Poem Hunter for showcasing it as my first poem since, i posted it in June 2015.

I am adding a picture of mine in a dance posture with 'Anjali Mudra' clicked by husband - Radhakrishna Menon. 'Anjali Mudra' is a hand gesture in dance, so also is a way of greeting, known as 'Namaskaram'in India. It also means respect, friendship, gratitude and a thanksgiving.

With many, many thanks to Poem Hunter and all my readers of this poem.
Rajnish Manga 10 September 2017

Yes, love is the essence of life. Each stanza of the poem, especially those relating to Krishna, Mother Mary & Jesus, Buddha and the Sufi mystics, is a revelation of love. This is indeed a delight to read this poem. This goes into MyPoemList. Thanks a lot, Geeta ji. ....the eternal river, Pouring out the elixir of love, Love that gushes out unreservedly, ....the world suffers and cries due to starvation of love!

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 11 September 2017

Rajnish ji, i feel really rewarded that you read this poem Love is all embracing. Thank you so much. You have always been very generous and kind. Stay blessed always.

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Bharati Nayak 15 February 2017

Love is all embracing, That should emerge from deep within Limitless and infinite! Without barriers or boundaries, With no tall orders or terse rules, Without any expectations or rewards! Love has to be shared, Love has to be offered, Love has to be showered, Continuously and graciously, Generously and universally, Into the wide, wide world! - - - - Wow- -Such a beautiful poem- - - -A poem of love- - - A love that unites the individual with the universe, the earthly with the otherworldly- - - body with spirit- - - - - It is more about the beauty of soul- - - Thank you Madam for sharing your excellent poem. .

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Dear Bharati, i am so happy that you read this poem on love. Yes! it is love that unites the individual soul with the universal soul. You have understood it perfectly. Thank you so much Bharati. :)

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Chinedu Dike 31 January 2017

Beautiful portrayal of mighty spiritual experience that is love - a voyage of pure bliss, well articulated and elegantly brought forth with insight. A lovely poem indeed. Thanks for sharing.

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sultan mahmud 07 December 2023

It; s not only a poem, it; s a memorandum

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Denis Mair 15 November 2023

Early this morning I saw a poem by Mahtab Bangalee titled DEATH OF ENEMY. Immediately afterward, I saw your quotes about love, and they led me to this grand poem. It was a happy coincidence!

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Anjandev Roy 31 October 2023

This is an outstanding to read multiple times....

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Dr Dillip K Swain 31 October 2023

A lovely poem! Timeless... readers would love to read time and again for its artistic brilliance... great!

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Dr Dillip K Swain 20 October 2023

It's a unique poem that unfolds compact and comprehensive elucidation of love! A lovely poem that solicits a reader to read it multiple times!

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