Herbert Nehrlich Fire Poems

Chimney Fire

Only forty more sleeps
and then Santa will come
with the bells and the beeps
and the presents for some.

A Fire

It was so fulminating.
A fire burned within
from spindly kindling
and a breath of air

The Tractor Fire

It was decided that the shed
- an eyesore - had to go,
so, after rolling out of bed
at 5, I'd start the show.

Balls Of Fire

It was his first, and smuggled in at that,
the Commies hadn't yet approved of things
that made the forces of free market grow.
Blue Jeans, they said were just a symbol,

Ball Of Fire

There was an awkwardness, a clumsiness
about the manner it had chosen to progress
through simmering heat of what is called Death Valley,
while dreaming of the Napa Valley and its wine.

Lingering Fire (Haiku)

And the nectar flowed
mixing with his mayonnaise
spicy polonaise.

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