A Desperate Cry Poem by Vijay Sai R

A Desperate Cry

Rating: 4.3

God's creation
Blessed to be born in this world
We all may feel that's the truth
Until I read this-
An abandoned baby
Malnourished, hardly an year old
Famine struck
Skin and bone
No food to feed
No water to have
Stranded alone in barren land
Helpless eyes staring straight
Standing legs more like a bamboo stick
Cerebral neurons popping out
Veins struggling to carry weak blood
Oh God! Nothing more I can add…
My heart is not strong enough
To read the rest-
A vampire vulture
Sitting beside and
Looking eager to end its hunger!
I pray! Save these innocents!
Let this never happen again!

Geetha Jayakumar 21 April 2014

Very beautifully you have captured...A Desperate Cry... True picture you have portrayed in each lines.. Loved reading it. Congrats.....for this lovely poem being selected as member poem. Thanks for sharing.

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Francie Lynch 21 April 2014

And who is to blame for this atrocity? We, the writers, speakers, voters. And it continues. Always.

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Ciarli Ling 21 April 2012

I was reading this Poem and to say the truth to say something to God in Poetic. or 'bird language' is very difficult. I suppose that your passion for Poetry is not your real life profile, because to be a Poet or a Prophet of none is like to be a little bird in a jungle, without force to pretend with only words, the impossible the truth, the harmony. Though, God is only the Hero of our time or age, that Vulture, the dirty Nature, is the real God and will defeat and kill, for sure, your God. So you felling the hurt as you try to come down to the ground or jungle square.

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Cynthia Buhain-baello 21 April 2014

Simple minds look at situations and ask Who's to blame? Average minds assess them and ask Why did this happen? While great minds weigh the conditions and say How can we solve it? The poem speaks of an abandoned baby and clearly there were two people who made this human being and one mother who deserted him. Having a child is a responsibility and cultures must realize they cannot just breed and leave them to nature. Poverty is a culture's mindset and a nation can only release itself from Poverty by changing its mindset and make the people WORK. Making children and then asking others to feed them is not the way. As writers I think we need to weigh facts and present them logically using our skills to present a cause. We cannot just appeal to emotions and neglect what needs to be addressed, or else we bark at the wrong tree. A very emotional poem -(God is not to blame.)

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Shania K. Younce 16 March 2014

You are right to say that is sad. I hope for the to be better, so it does not happen again. Bien! !

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon 28 September 2023

Without mincing a word! Hauntingly painful

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Kumarmani Mahakul 10 July 2019

Looking eager to end its hunger! I pray! Save these innocents! Let this never happen again! ......yes, let this never happen again! So moving.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 10 July 2019

God's creation Blessed to be born in this world We all may feel that's the truth.....so touching and true.A beautiful poem is so nicely executed. Thanks for sharing.

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Haruna Garba 02 April 2019

That is south SUDAN. The could be more elsewhere. I saw it too. Appealing to the senses this piece is!

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Aniruddha Pathak 16 July 2018

Beautiful sentiments

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Vijay Sai R

Vijay Sai R

Trichy, South India
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