Bernard F. Asuncion Mother Poems

No One Can Replace A Mother

P-icture of a mother is irreplaceable
U-nder God's grand design;
R-egardless of the world's weather,
I-t's deep in our heart and mind.

My Mindful Mother

My mother is thoughtful,
Mindful of all my needs;
With love and care for me,
Showing me her good deeds.

Mother Of A Child

M-other of a child
A-ims to show much love and care,
R-egardless of time.
I-n spite of the storm,

Be The World's Greatest Mother

B-e the world's greatest mother,
E-verywhere, day and night;
N-umber one to your children,
G-oing on with all your might.

My Mother Earth

My Mother Earth, I thank you so
For the spring of waters that flow,
For the fresh air that I inhale,
For the ocean that I do sail,

Mother And Daughter

M-irthful mother and daughter,
O-n the third of January
T-ake a ride on a bus,
H-aving time to visit me.

Fondness Of The Mother

F-ondness of the mother is like a running stream;
E-mploying the flow of care for the fulfillment of dream.

A-mazing fondness of the mother

Pure Heart Of A Mother

P-ure heart of a mother
U-ses complete care and love;
R-igorous attention to her child
I-s inspired by God above.

The Supportive Mother

V-ile weather has turned
I-nto a warm Sunday light;
L-et the cold chill fade,
M-orn has set things

Mother Of Wisdom

M-other of wisdom teaches
I-n man's largest school;
L-ife's struggles in the world
D-o train us not to be fool.

Arms Around Your Mother

J-ust let the rain disappear,
E-xcept the sky so blue;
N-o more mist in the air
N-o more haze near to

Like Mother, Like Daughter

C-old chill and raindrops
H-ave faded into the night;
A-n early morn has broken,
R-ising sun carries light.

A Mother's Loving Arm

J-anuary twenty-third Monday
I-s full of love and care;
N-ew dawn has broken,
G-reetings fill the air.

Heart Of The Mother

M-eek and humble heart
O-f the mother beats in love

Caring Mother

C-aring mother comes from
A-lmighty Father above;
R-ight here to fill us up with
O-ne everlasting

Failure Is The Mother Of Success

F-ailure is the mother of success,
R-emain not in dismay;
O-n the twenty-fifth of August,
S-tart not to go

Error Success