Part In Peace: Is Day Before Us? Poem by Sarah Flower Adams

Part In Peace: Is Day Before Us?

Rating: 3.5

Part in peace: is day before us?
Praise His Name for life and light;
Are the shadows lengthening o'er us?
Bless His care Who guards the night.

Part in peace: with deep thanksgiving,
Rendering, as we homeward tread,
Gracious service to the living,
Tranquil memory to the dead.

Part in peace: such are the praises
God our Maker loveth best;
Such the worship that upraises
Human hearts to heavenly rest.

Part In Peace: Is Day Before Us?
Susan Williams 18 November 2015

Simple sentiments shared elegantly

27 2 Reply
David Wood 18 November 2015

Beautiful hymn, great poet.

8 2 Reply
Seema Jayaraman 18 November 2015

Deep faith and trust laid in God.. always Part In Peace, the sense of calm all pervasive and enables commune with the almighty.. enjoyed reading. thanks for sharing.

5 3 Reply
Rajnish Manga 18 November 2015

This is a wonderful poem devoted to the divine bliss of the Almighty that governs us and navigates our journey with the sense of purpose in life. I bow my head and pay my homage to the memory of a distinguished poet- Sara Flower Adams. Gracious service to the living, Tranquil memory to the dead.

5 3 Reply
John S 18 November 2015

I'm not religious but I like the line: Part in peace: with deep thanksgiving, Rendering, as we homeward tread, Gracious service to the living, Tranquil memory to the dead. May we be gracious to the living and have tranquil memories of our dead loved ones. I like the metaphor of aging closer to death as shadows lengthening over us. And when we die the sun has set and nightfall is upon us. To the religious God is the one who guards the night. I like the alliteration in the last line. Nice structure, the syllables are pretty even. Does anyone know if this has a metrical structure?

6 1 Reply
Sylvia Frances Chan 24 October 2023

Concise hymn, clear enough what it is about. Great song and lyrics.5 Stars Full. Congrats on being chosen by Poem Hunter and Team as The Classic Poem Of The Day.. Also to the family of the late poetess

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 04 September 2021

Beautiful thoughts in a wonderful poem adorned with great flow and rhyme. Meaningful message.

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Chinedu Dike 04 September 2021

Nicely embellished with poetic rhyme and rhythm. A beautiful piece of poetry...

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Indira Renganathan 20 February 2021

'Such the worship that upraises Human hearts to heavenly rest.'...very truely said....fabulously divine poem

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MAHTAB BANGALEE 21 January 2021

We are here seeking the peace, but we, human the seller of sorrow, not the happiness; God is the merciful guide of our souls and it's time to pray Him for our peaceful life.

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Sarah Flower Adams

Sarah Flower Adams

Essex / England
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