This Message Is Entitled: No More Running From The Truth Poem by Joshua Aaron Guillory

This Message Is Entitled: No More Running From The Truth

Who is Jesus? What is his mission? And what is our purpose? One thing we know, whatever his mission is our mission is, and whatever our purpose is his purpose. We know, based off the Bible, he is the way, the truth, and the life, John 14: 6; and that he, according to John 10: 30, and the Father are one. If we find out what the Father is that he also is, then we will find out who he is and they both are. Isaiah 9: 6 declares that the Son and Father are the 'Prince of Peace.' What does prince mean and what does it mean in relation to Peace? The transliterated Hebrew word for prince, 'sar, ' means chief, head, highest, and ruler. I'm compelled when seeing the word ruler to think about Colossians 3: 15; 'Let the peace of God rule in your hearts.' Something else I notice, the word 'highest' is one of the meanings, which makes perfect sense. Prince is another appellation (name) for a King or Queen, the highest ruler, although it is applied to the child of a Sovereign (King or Queen) who may potentially rule the throne or Crown. We know God is the Highest, and He is Perfect. So, therefore, the Highest Peace is Perfect Peace. It doesn't just mean the Peace of the Highest, but the Highest of Peace: which is Perfect, Complete, or Absolute Peace; which sounds like World Peace, which is the highest peace attainable; which would have everyone and everything everywhere in, or at, perfect peace. God is ubiquitously (omni-presently) everywhere, so Perfect Peace is also. Romans 10: 15 tells us that the gospel we're preaching is the Gospel of peace. Isaiah tells us we're 'given' the Son who is also called the Everlasting Father. And Jesus declares, in John 14: 27, that he gives us Peace, which would then mean He gives us Himself, the offering of Peace. Jesus we say is Perfect. So do you believe in Perfect Peace? Do you have the courage to believe it and preach it to the world? Do you believe you have it and can give this message to the world? This is the only true message that anyone with reasonable sense is willing to live for and die for: To declare that everyone and everything everywhere is Perfect; That perfect peace is all that exists; That men have been blinded with monetary pursuits and institutionalized education and by false and dead religious principles. Perfect, Heavenly, or World Peace, is the only message which greatly angers those eminent leaders of the clergy, those illustriously wealthy bankers and politicians, those self-aggrandizing graduates of academia, those successfully lucrative businessmen or women of narcotics, which includes but is not limited to the drug dealer(s) , and anyone else who is successful with the aforementioned or believe in it. I never said you couldn't have great monetary wealth; I say, whatever you have use it for the sake of world peace; for your mind, your children, family, and all of the world (which includes the human family) . Whatever movies you look at, books you read, food(s) you eat, relationships you build, do it unto World Peace, the true Jesus Christ Spirit or Consciousness. And according to the Bible,1 Corinthians 2: 16, we have that Mind; and also Philippians 2: 5. Increase your libraries, if that is your calling. Both save and give your monies for this cause. I, the Messenger of Christ, will no longer wink at your deeds. The time of World Peace is at hand. And the Harlot Church of Rome, the Arab-pimping Medina, and the savage beast of the New-Age Movement, are coming to their end. And in the words of Sir Henry Wotton, the farther you go from the Church of Rome, the nearer you are to God. To the sincere convert I don't mind the spreading of this Message. It's not the mere plagiarizer, it's the play-giarizer, the one who plays games sinisterly with the message, that I don't agree with, nor the one who does it only for temporary self-gratification. The message is God's, and for God.

'And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.' - 1 Timothy 6: 8-9

I never get tired of the Message. And I never get tired in the Message. I'm always at peace or rest, with joy. Preach Peace to the World, or World Peace.

by Joshua Aaron Guillory

'Peace can only come as a natural consequence of Universal Enlightenment and merging of races.' - Nikola Tesla, 'My Inventions'

'Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you Free.' - John 8: 32

'Humble yourselves before the Message, and He will lift you up.' - Joshua Aaron Guillory

(before: in the light of, or sight of; or in the presence of)

'...make not my Father's house a house of merchandise.' - Jesus Christ

'My will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.' - Jesus Christ (My or Thy or God's Will, Perfect Peace on Earth)

Thursday, February 3, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: world peace,inner peace
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