Sylvia Frances Chan Peace Poems

For Peace Of Mind....

Good Morning, Good Noon, Good Afternoon and Good Evening,

For Peace of Mind

Peace On Earth


The beautiful green deciduous tree
In the center of our living room

Love And Peace (2)

Love And Peace, a brief letter to my dearest Mother

My Dearest Beloved Mother
today I write you the most important letter

Peace In Our Hearts....!

Peace In Our Hearts….! A Poem, A Prose, A Narrative, A Whatever, BUT the most PRECIOUS and MOST IMPORTANT is Our Love, Emotions and Vision at our dear Nwighbours in these corona pandemic time....

I hope people feel more comfortable

Only Peace And Eternal Life On Earth....

POEM Number 555-
Only Peace and Eternal Life On Earth,
No Sins, No Wars, IF Adam Had Not Eaten The Forbidden Fruit...

Senryu: Peace

Senryu: Peace
(i love Peace, peaceful surroundings, peaceful persons with a peaceful mind, love Peace truly, my heart is at ease with God)

always peace on earth

Living In Peace And Harmony....

We can always say: Racism has always existed
But IF we learn, educate ourselves in certain factors
like Tolerance, Endurance, and train everyday like breathing
and add being Honest and Love to our hearts

Go In Peace, Dear Pieter

Frailty of quicksand
a deep gap in the immense land

away from Clover green

May She Rest In Peace with Ease

The Princess Of Rock 'n Roll
died last Thursday of a heart failure

I was devastated

Shalom, Peace, And Love!

Shalom, Peace, and Love
to all of you
we all know
that we love PEACE and not war

A Song Of Peace For edward Kofi Louis

A Song For Edward Kofi Louis,
Acrostic, Ode to Edward and Ghana


Jesus Has Risen....Peace On Earth....

- - - - - - - - - - - -JESUS HAS RISEN- - - - - - - - - - - -

On the first day of the week,
very early in the morning,


No knife, no bullet
Money in your wallet
Hope of love

Praying For Peace....

Praying For Peace…: praying these words, or just praying to God what we read in The Our Father,
God gives us also Peace in our hearts and so on earth,
when we pray, we get Peace from God, that is one thing sure....

A God Of Peace....

God is not a God of confusion, but a God of Peace
Jesus is the Prince of Peace
God always prays of Peace
the Holy Sprit will help us to pray

About Peace....

Although we often talk about peace
on every part of the world continues war issues

oftentimes a non-nonsense conversation

Rest In Peace....

REST IN PEACE, Dr. Samuel Lazuardi

God, let your servant
leave quietly

God Is Love, God Is Peace....

What we do not know yet, perhaps:
God's love and His peace
are spreading throughout the entire world.

Tribute To Peace

Let there be Peace
Let there be Hope
Let there be Love
but Let there be Peace first

for this time only, my poem lies in the card I designed
Wishing You Dear Poet Friends A Blessed Sunday...Peace Be With You All, Amen

Love And Peace

Love And Peace
(A brief letter to my dearest Mother)

My Dearest Beloved Mother

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