I Love My Family So Much.

To be a part of a family like mine
is so divine
where love is shown
hurt is shared
our love for each other is never impaired

we talk
we laugh
we cry
but we are a family

Family Love Forever

Have u ever thought actually
What it would be like, without a family.

Family is the only one,
Where one experiences best of fun.
Family is an elegant necklace,
Whose bond may appear broken
But deep inside, their hearts are still one.

When the unwanted sorrows seem longer than a mile,

The Idea Of Ancestry

Taped to the wall of my cell are 47 pictures: 47 black
faces: my father, mother, grandmothers (1 dead) , grand-
fathers (both dead) , brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts,
cousins (1st and 2nd) , nieces, and nephews.They stare
across the space at me sprawling on my bunk.I know
their dark eyes, they know mine.I know their style,
they know mine.I am all of them, they are all of me;
they are farmers, I am a thief, I am me, they are thee.

I have at one time or another been in love with my mother,

Family Comes Together

Family comes together
For always and forever
In sickness and in health
In poverty or in wealth
Family comes together
For always and forever
Without any reason
Anytime or any season
Family comes together
For always and forever

Our Poem Hunter Family

Beauty is seen daily in poetic duty every day,
Cutie is our Poem Hunter Family all here say.

Far across the globe poets unite here to write,
Daily poem of the day to readers does delight.

We unite for love, for peace and for more bliss,
We write poems from spirit we all do not miss.

World is our lovely family here we truly feel,

' In My Father's Shoes '

The lamp of the bright life had darkened.
When my father life was taken by God.
It was the darkest moment ever
experienced by my mother and family.

We are family of ten. I am the eldest.
That time I was twenty years of age.
A new graduate and has no job yet.
My mother's teary, query eyes was on me.

Divine Family

Family is a familiar word, everybody does know,
It is a set of relation, can you say no?
The set is just combination of children and parent,
There members of households and relatives are inherent.

It means to group of person closely related by blood,
It includes parents, children, uncle and aunts in one clod.
Family also means to group of things those are alike,
It is too all the descendants of one lineage like.

Hurt Me But Not My World Family

When you do anyway, hurt me a hurt
Only this me is hurt,

But when you hurt a member of my family
My soul is hurt instantly,

When you hurt my neighbor, friend
My mind is seriously hurt,

Again when you hurt of humans any

The Wasp

The wasp and all his numerous family
I look upon as a major calamity.
He throws open his nest with prodigality,
But I distrust his waspitality.

All In A Family Way

My banks are all furnished with rags,
So thick, even Freddy can't thin 'em;
I've torn up my old money-bags,
Having little or nought to put in 'em.
My tradesman are smashing by dozens,
But this is all nothing, they say;
For bankrupts, since Adam, are cousins,
So, it's all in the family way.

Mother And I Wept

Here is the incidence, very true of its kind and, has taken place in my life. In one place mother wept for me and in the second place I wept.Both has no bearing on each other but since it was between mother and son, I thought of it putting it to a general public for view.

I joined Indian Air Force much to the dislike of whole family. My brother was living just 120 km. away from my native place and I was just informed to report to the recruiting office for medical check up and tests. When I reached office, and much to my dismay, it was very brief and we were given clearance and instructed to report to the training centre at Bangalore.


Family is supposed to have your back,
Family is supposed to know you,
There are supposed to be no secrets with family,
There are supposed to be no lies with family,
Family is supposed to love each other unconditionally,
Family is supposed to be there for you,
There is supposed to be understanding in a family,
There is supposed to be trust in a family,
Family is supposed to be there for you,
Family is supposed to understand.

Another Year

log fueled fire blazes in a hearth, throwing out intermittent shadows embellishing a darkened room a flickering candle burns through yet another Christmas eve its light reaches out to highlight images of a family past

a silence is broken by a rocking, creaking chair that projects it's outline upon an empty wall, a victim of years gone by reminisces of many such nights, as a wind roars around snow-filled fields outwith a bolted wooden door...

A Family Reunion

And as I approach
the light I pray my
is there waiting for

As he extends his
I will carry the load
moving on with him

! Homage To A Not Unknown Poet

Straightway - it's the tone.
Even; quiet but clear; is it writing, or is it talking?
As if to family: you're being filled in
on what happened yesterday or last week;
it's a continuation of what you last spoke of;
so no 'tone' about the tone;
you have a background of a lifetime's love
not to need to talk about;
you're friends even before you are family
if you know what I mean;

My Family

My family will forever be in my heart,
My sister's mean the world to me,
More than life,
All I ever wanted was a complete family,
To have a mother whom I never met,
My family will always remain who they are in my heart and soul,
My family is more important than my friends and my lover,
Family will always come first,
Family is family,
No matter what they did they'll always remain family.


I visit doctor
for myself and my family
to clean the illness out,
I clean my nail, hair and body,
I sweep my table, room, house...
and spider webs
inside my head
until I am cleaned into dust.

From The 'Antigone'

Overcome - O bitter sweetness,
Inhabitant of the soft cheek of a girl -
The rich man and his affairs,
The fat flocks and the fields' fatness,
Mariners, rough harvesters;
Overcome Gods upon Parnassus;

Overcome the Empyrean; hurl
Heaven and Earth out of their places,
That in the Same calamity

Sweet Family Of Divine Grace

Twisting back to time old memory we see,
Love builds heaven at home love is the key.

Sea of emotion floats in waves of joy light,
Father is in first from left is root of us right.

Bright future shines again by Divine's grace,
Deep thought and meditation make bright face.

Family, family, this world is family of love,

The Family Tree

We've got a family album
Like a family tree
A thrill to turn the pages
The pictures we can see

Starting off with grands and greats
Then slowly down the line
Like a book of history
A journey through the time