Who Locked The Boys Out? Poem by Howard The Motivational Poet Simon

Who Locked The Boys Out?

Rating: 5.0

Once I saw some boys
Outside a gate
They had come to school
But they were very late
Everywhere was closed
All about
It caused me to wonder
Who locked the boys out?

I saw a group
On the outside
It was graduation day
But they had come to play
The girls were inside ready to go
But for the boys it was not so
They were outside walking all about
I asked who locked the boys out?

I observed some boys
Wasting their lives away
For them
Life was only about play
In school they refused to learn
Diminishing their ability to earn
Their decisions caused them to loose their clout
Tell me, tell me who looked the boys out?

I noticed a gang
At the corner of a street
They had gathered together
There to meet
Only profanity
Came out of their mouth
I asked the question
Who locked the boys out?

I found some lads
In a prison cell
Who confided in me
That they were living in 'hell'
They longed to be flourishing and free
Instead they were chained in misery
Staked out in a desert's deadly drought
Will somebody please tell me who locked the boys out?

Too many boys all around the world
Are on the outside looking in
Reaping the harvest
Of their fathers sin
Some are tying to get in
But their chances seem so slim
So I ask with a serious, solemn shout
Who locked the boys out?

Who Locked The Boys Out?
Chantal Gumbs 04 April 2010

Sometimes we really have to ask ourselves 'Who Locked the Boys Out'? ? I like the way you brought it across, clever yet powerful! ! Another one of my faves! !

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Anjali Sinha 22 June 2010

Howard-I like the sing song style of your poem the lyrics are great-maybe we can sing it together.. now you tell me -Who locked the Boys Out? ...10 anjali

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Nosheen Irfan 01 February 2016

What a well-crafted poem. Who locked the boys out...this question is far more significant than the reader might think at first read. That's the tragedy of this world..it's heart-rending to see people going the wrong way. There are many factors that are responsible for it..from our own attitude to the apathy of society. Whatever, you have posed a serious question that deserves to be answered.

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Hazel Durham 21 June 2015

Great wisdom in this superb write everybody deserves a chance in this life!

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Lyn Paul 29 May 2015

Wow, I have revisited these words. Just brilliant.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 24 September 2018

Imposition of penalties sometimes severe will lead them to be hardened criminals. Punishment in some cases will bring demoralization. Reformation must be undertaken instead to give them a better tomorrow. Very well written and on to my Poem List.10++++

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 24 September 2018

A powerful write on a very important social issue. The youth are the hope of our land. They should be well taken cared of and nurtured. They shall be afforded with opportunities necessary for their development both physically and mentally and in some cases morally.

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Khairul Ahsan 22 May 2018

An excellent poem that shows your empathy for 'the boys locked out'. I loved to read all the comments put before mine, and appreciate many of those that clearly came from thoughtful minds. The poem poses a question that needs to be addressed squarely, by all the stake holders of the society. Rated maximum,10/10.

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Bharati Nayak 24 February 2018

) Punishment is not the remedy for an errant child.Rather we should look into the factors that are responsible for his behavior.While poverty, lack of education, unemployment, disturbed family, unhealthy social atmosphere are some of the factors that waylay a child to go on a wrong path.Politicians, state administrators, educationists, psychologists should make combined effort to solve the problem.

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Bharati Nayak 24 February 2018

Who locked the boys out? It is really a serious social issue that must be addressed urgently by going into the root of the problem.Children are the future of the world.They should get proper education, love and care to flourish.(contd)

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