Distant Haze Poem by James B. Earley

Distant Haze

Rating: 5.0

There was a knock upon my door
…In…the light…was she
Grab your coat and in the rain
Come take a walk with me

So many times we'd hop the bus
To…A faraway…picture show
Days of Summer we'd take our poles
…And fishing…we would go

We'd sit atop the earthen bank
…Reflections in…the rippling…water
Laughing and talking…the two of us
…Without…romance…to bother

Graduation night…A distant haze
I've struggled with…so much
…The day…we went....our separate way
And failed to keep in touch

…Inquiring…of her…sometime ago
From a relative I chanced to meet
'A prostitute…on drugs…she is
……….Working…some city street'

Stinging words…….in that reply
An avalanche…of tears…inside
The pain of which I won't deny
And now…I hear....that she....has died

If perchance…it was…her darkest hour
…When that path......she chose......to take
Then…may God please…forgive…the call
………..The call……I failed…to make

Distant Haze
Chitra - 14 March 2009

Thought provoking, these strong words...make me feel the sense of your loss

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Bonnie Collins 16 March 2009

A very touching piece of work. Filled with much sadness, but the saddest truth is, this can all most be anyone in this saddend world of sin that surrounds us... Very moving a 10....

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Rani Turton 16 March 2009

Sad poem with regrets to cloud memory. She also could have gone another way after all, so you should not have that kind of guilt. She also could have called. We choose to live our lives in a certain way.

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A sad and reflective poem that has left you wondering why there was such an outcome and whether you could have helped in some way. It is written with a beautiful style and genuine concern for another human being. Lovely work. Karin Anderson

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Reshma Ramesh 15 March 2009

hmmmm...so many ifs.......buts...........well penned....very touchy...

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Akhtar Jawad 04 April 2018

Stinging words…….in that reply An avalanche…of tears…inside The pain of which I won’t deny And now…I hear....that she....has died Such a touching poem!

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Howard Savage 16 January 2016

the haze is an overcast of life. Great metaphor.

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Shirley Hanley 31 January 2010

Wow James... talk about destiny taking us down different paths! Life is interesting if nothing else. I felt your pain in this one James. Shirley

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Seema Chowdhury 23 March 2009

the second last stanza is so beautiful.... i don't have words to express. thanks alot for sharing this poem with me.

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Laurie Hill 18 March 2009

A haunting beautiful story so very well penned..10+

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