Graduating To More Poem by Susan Williams

Graduating To More

Rating: 5.0

Congratulations! ! !
You are Graduating from College! ! !
We celebrate your graduation
And we are celebrating You! ! !
It's been quite a journey for you
Life has thrown just about every challenge in the world at you,
But you overcame them and look at you now!
You are an Overcomer! An Overcomer with Style
And you are now the proud possessor of an academic degree
And get to trail letters after your name! ! !
You are now commencing on your future.
I hope you do all the good things you dream of
I hope you travel and explore, live financially comfortable,
Have a good set of friends by your side,
Have all the Corgis and other dogs you like
Filling your life with doggy companionship,
Fall in love, and be treated like the jewel you are by the one you love
But one thing I know about my sweet grand-daughter,
Whatever you do, you'll always do it with kindness.
May life always be your college
May you always learn more
May you always expand your horizon
May you always seek more.
May your life have challenges of the good sort
To keep life interesting and always an adventure
May you always remember you don't need to fear a challenge
Because you've met and conquered every challenge so far
And there have been a lot of them and some of them were doozies.
Above all, may you always make a difference in life.
You certainly have in ours
Bringing us much joy and laughter and pride in who you are.
.....Yes, you are graduating.
..........I hope you are always graduating to more
................ Always more.
Your loving Grandmother and Grandfather,
AKA "hey, old people! "
..............................©June 20,2020 Susan Williams

This is part of the letter I sent my granddaughter upon her graduation from college- I hope you enjoy a glimpse of this young woman who has tickled us for years- coming through the door or calling on the phone, saying "Hey old people! "
Bill Cantrell 28 June 2020

How sweet the love of a grandmother, a wonderful poem! I’m sure it will be most appreciated! !

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Kim Barney 28 June 2020

What a fun thing to do, sharing part of your letter to your granddaughter as a poem! I have three granddaughters that are mothers now. My five great-grandchildren are so much fun, but we don't get to see much of them since the pandemic started. Thank goodness for Zoom and Duo, etc.!

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Edward Kofi Louis 02 July 2020

May you always seek more! ! With flying colours! Musing along with the status of life. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Susan Williams 16 July 2020

Rini- - - You write beautiful poetry so my comments have to be beautiful! ! ! !

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Dr Dillip K Swain 06 October 2023

Excellent pieces of advice from a grandmother to a granddaughter... appreciated

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Anjandev Roy 06 October 2023

Such a glorious piece....thank u.......

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Susan Williams 17 October 2020

I can't tell you, Soran, how much I love sitting down and reading your comments about how my poem affected you! To me a poem is like a letter you send through the mail and await an answer to.... hoping your letter found a responsive chord in its reader, maybe gave the day an additional moment of joy or a spark of wisdom, or a feeling of " oh, you feel that way too? " . Your return letter is always uplifting and educational, my friend! ! Thank you for your wisdom and kindness

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Susan Williams 17 October 2020

Valsa! ! ! Exactly! ! ! One should never stop enjoy learning- -the world is full of wonders for the adventurous minds! ! !

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Soran M. H 08 October 2020

This amazing poem is not just a letter of congratulation but rather it is a universal advice for all whom try to open a new page in their lives, these wisdom guidelines by our beloved poet has to be read by all readers who expect some gifts from the poetry, it is so nice when a kind poet teach us the kindness, thanks Susan

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Susan Williams 17 October 2020

Soran, I love sitting down and reading your comments about how my poem affected you! To me a poem is like a letter you send through the mail and await an answer to.... hoping your letter found a responsive chord in its reader, maybe gave the day an additional moment of joy or a spark of wisdom, or a feeling of " oh, you feel that way too? " . Your return letter is always uplifting and educational, my friend! !

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