Albert Einstein 30 - Albert's Sister - Maja Einstein Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Albert Einstein 30 - Albert's Sister - Maja Einstein

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Maja was born in 1881, in Munich.
She was two years younger to Albert.
Albert and Maja enjoyed
A pleasant, happy childhood,
Growing up, learning together,
Memorable childhood years in school!
As siblings, they maintained a close relationship,
An affectionate bond throughout their lives.

In 1894, when Albert's family decided to leave Munich,
And move to Pavia in Milan, taking Maja along with them,
But leaving Albert behind, under the care of a relative,
So that he could complete his final year in school.
It was heart breaking for the brother and sister
To see their cosy home being uprooted,
And being separated from each other.
Albert was miserable without his family,
In an impulse, abruptly, left the school,
And boarded a train to join his family in Italy.

Unlike Albert, who had a scientific, technical bent of mind,
Maja developed a deep love for languages and literature.
Like her brother, she too, developed a craving for higher learning.
After her graduation, she moved to Bern to take up Ph.D studies.
She successfully completed her dissertation on Romance languages,
Which earned her doctoral degree in 1909 - a rare thesis,
Of an old French manuscript - ‘Chevalier au Cygne',
A legend of a mysterious knight, damsel and a swan!

Pauline Einstein, became the esteemed mother,
Who proudly proclaimed to the world,
That both her children - Albert and Maja,
Had successfully earned their doctoral degree,
With their intelligence and perseverance -
Title of Ph.D ‘Doctor', attached to their names!
The only regret being that their father - Hermann
Was not alive to share the happiness with his dear family.

A Biographical Poem

Albert Einstein 30 - Albert's Sister - Maja Einstein
Monday, June 21, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: family,life,real success,story,true,children,education
Here is a sincere attempt to write the biographical life and works of Albert Einstein. For detailed explanation of Albert Einstein's Research Papers on varied topics, please read books published by Princeton University Press.1. ‘Albert Einstein - A biography' by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lipscombe 2019.2. ‘Einstein's Miraculous Year' by Alice Calaprice and Sam Elworthy 3. Quantum Generations: A history of Physics in 20th century, Princeton. N.J 4. Quantum Profiles by Jeremy Bernstein - Princeton, N.J 5. Collected Papers of Albert Einstein (CPAE) various editors and translators, Vol.1 to 9, Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.6. The New Quotable Einstein Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.7. Albert Einstein - New York, Viking. This chapter is an account and flash back on Einstein's Sister - Maja Einstein. Thank you, dear friends, for reading this biographical poem on Albert Einstein - an exceptional scientist par excellence. I sincerely, appreciate your beautiful and valuable comments. Ever grateful to all of you!
Kostas Lagos 24 June 2021

Thank you Geeta for posting this series

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Evelyn Judy Buehler 23 June 2021

Engrossing and enlightening story of young Albert Einstein and his family. Thank you for sharing.

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Varsha M 22 June 2021

I loved knowing about Maja and Einstein who shared scientific crutch and earned doctoral degrrrs.

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M Asim Nehal 22 June 2021

Great piece of information about the family members.

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Rajnish Manga 22 June 2021

I must admit that I've read about the scientific achievements of Einstein but have no idea of his early life and family background. You have so nicely tried to fill information gap. This is quite interesting. Thanks, Geeta ji.

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Indulekha A menon 23 September 2021

Great information about Eibsyein'as personal and family life Sister Maja too was a scientist like her brother

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Shruthi Menon 16 July 2021

Sad but informative

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Vrinda 15 July 2021

Informative and nice poem.

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Indulekha Menon 15 July 2021

Thanks for sharing this great poem Albert Einstein's biigraphy His family binding with his sister Maja Both were very close to each ither completed their Phd and glorified 5heir family.

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Chinedu Dike 12 July 2021

Powerful and informational, great job....

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