Walking Through High School Poem by Heather Hill

Walking Through High School

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This is it everything that you have gone through us now memories.
All of your happy and sad times in high school have now faded.
A new life has begun on your own.
No more waking up dreading that this day will never get here.
Now the day is here and your missing everyone before they even
walk through these high school doors.
Every memory is left unsaid.
On graduation day everyone cried, I even cried.
Knowing that I may never get to hang with my friends ever again.
Hoping they'll be here for my graduation crying with me.

Walking Through High School
boby joe 10 March 2020

the poem didn't follow the rules that it should although it rhymed the last words didn't rym with each other

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Edgar Stevens 27 June 2015

I remember those old days...nice poem...

3 1 Reply
Kumarmani Mahakul 07 October 2014

Every memory is left unsaid, but every memory of high school days are still in memory in poem. Lovely one.

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jennifer hall 10 December 2008

graduation is emotional...u have finished high school and now beggining a new journey....i cryed at my graduation practice....love this poem

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Rosabel Villacencio 08 October 2007

..so good and realistic

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