*** And You Will Shed Tears Of Joy *** Poem by ANJALI SINHA

*** And You Will Shed Tears Of Joy ***

Rating: 5.0

My love so intense
like fragrant musk's incense
permeate you
hypnotize you
anesthetize you
And you will shed tears of Joy.

My love so hot
like blazing sunspots
Would torment you
torture you
tantalize you
And you will shed tears of Joy.

My love so calm,
like soothing divine balm
Would comfort you
caress you
heal you
And you will shed tears of Joy.

My love so high
like majestic sky
Would shelter you
protect you
comfort you
And you will shed tears of Joy.

My love so forgiver
like pristine pure river
Would cleanse you
purify you
rectify you
And you will shed tears of Joy.

My love so divine
like Old bottled wine
Would energize you
galvanize you
divinize you
And you will shed tears of Joy.

My passion
emanating from divine station
would shock you
rock you
knock you
And you will shed tears of joy.

My emotions
healing as divine potion
would envelope you
embrace you
embarrass you
And you will shed tears of joy.

My divine eyes
calmer than sky
would chase you
daze you
amaze you
My Baby!
And you will shed tears of joy.


***   And You Will Shed Tears Of Joy ***
Dr Vinay Sirigere 05 January 2009

I love this one.. Nice collection of poems.. Good.. keep it up...

1 0 Reply
Shashendra Amalshan 26 May 2009

wow..realy liked the flow and the rhytm of the poem..so very beautiful...great one Anju.enjoyed it very much..not like some sick poems I read from recently.. cheers Anju.//cheers and cheeers for you 10+++

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Dr.subhendu Kar 15 May 2009

ike fragrant musk’s incense....... would hypnotize you............... .................................... like blazing sunspots Would torment you...........what a love so intense yet being dichotomous by joy and sorrows in the matrix of love, that betides even by reeks of anger when love is unacknowledged on its altar of sacredness, wonderful flow of heart when heaved by sorrows, yet very passionate and poignant, write too ingenious by imagery,10++++++, thanks for sharing

1 0 Reply

an excellent beautiful poem wonderfully written...10++++

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Allemagne Roßmann 12 April 2009

dA desire tO b orignal.......isnt it strong in all of us...still Allusions... refering to someone in our thoughts in comments who somehow influence us....inspires us not by every act but just a small one......We all at some point or da other keep Alluding.....SOMEONE...HIS OR HER THOUGHTS....OTHERS WAY OF EXISTENCE....it might be anyone MOM DAD TEACHER FRIEND PHILOSOPHER GUIDE...... So ppl come get together n share wid everyone da best which VE adopt da best ve LEarn Da which INFLUENCES us nnnn Da best that INSPIRES us.......YOU r welcomed if u practise iNtEr-TeXtUaLiTy (readers) ......references to any books or works of famous ppeople is appreciated here.....Coz creativity is a VIrtue wid ALL..bt..not everyone has da strength to make people belive in onez own creativity.........like this girl i know_introducing the very vibrant and jubilant Anjali Sinha.My full score for this read.

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Unnikrishnan E S 28 April 2019

A poem of love expressing the deepest feelings..unique one...

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 14 April 2016

My divine eyes calmer than sky would chase you daze you amaze you My Baby! And you will shed tears of joy. The best lines in my eye. Any person with a heart would long for being that baby...when you are so promising a lover. Great poem! ! Thanks for the creation.

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Anand Madhukar 05 October 2009

The diverse shades of love expressed with poetic precision. Each nuance has been finely etched. Do you even need to ask the rating?

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Braja K Sarkar 24 July 2009

My love is so high, so devine, so hot, so calm ans sooooooo beautiful..........Love is eternal, you dear Anjali, the poem is so lovely! ! ! I need the miracle of words..Thank you for this sweet poem

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Nikunj Sharma 03 July 2009

my comments so true would appease you please you adulate you sweep you elate you and u shall smile forever young poetess

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