Still Here Poem by Langston Hughes

Still Here

Rating: 3.5

been scarred and battered.
My hopes the wind done scattered.
Snow has friz me,
Sun has baked me,

Looks like between 'em they done
Tried to make me

Stop laughin', stop lovin', stop livin'-
But I don't care!
I'm still here!

Keisha Swafford 08 April 2009

I love this poem! ! It is so original and says so much in a few stanzas! ! I remember reciting Still Here in 4th grade in front of an audience. I made sure I memorized every line, but when I went on stage, no one heard me. It was embarrassing, but I made sure my family heard me say the poem! ! lol They still get annoyed when I bring it up! !

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Gertrude Morris 14 February 2010

great insperation in the sake of diversity

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Maiya Briana Brunson 11 March 2008

I feel that this poem is inspiring because this relates to everyday life. This poem basicly states that whatever problems you go through you are still here on earth

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Birgitta Abimbola Heikka 15 April 2014

Love the Vernacular in which this poem is written. Favorite lines: “looks like between ‘em they done tried to make me.”.

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colin 11 September 2020

it applys to my life because its hard to deal with the virus and hoping that 2021 will be better

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Getting Tattoo 14 April 2019

getting this tattood ASAP

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Braden Barbour 25 February 2019

This poem is missing the first word, I've

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T Denisr Gravely Forbres 04 September 2018

Words to live my life with.

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Ruta Mohapatra 04 October 2017

That is about surviving and resilience. Great poem!

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