Pristine Love Poem by Khairul Ahsan

Pristine Love

Rating: 4.7

No love is as overwhelming and as pristine,
As the maiden love of a lass, say of sixteen.
When, like closed petals of a bud she begins to unfold
Herself, blossoming into a fragrant rose or marigold.

She seeks a hand to hold and wants hers as well be held,
In secluded privacy, from the outside world as if shelled.
She wants to love and be loved, to touch and be touched,
Promises never to leave the hand that she fondly clutched.

Standing on the crossroads of childhood and puberty,
She seeks a soul mate, not one who is always flirty.
She feels lonely at home, even in a crowd, or among peers,
Unless with her soul mate who keeps count of her fallen tears.

Promises everything that her soul mate wants her to be,
She herself also demands promises on matters flimsy.
Not realizing that promises are easy to make but difficult to keep,
Broken promises are hard to bear with, easy to make one weep.

Sometimes the lass' love remain held back and suppressed,
When she is wary that her emotions will not be addressed.
Flames of this unexpressed love burn her in slow motion
Whenever she muses over some missed conversation.

Lucky is he who wins the first love of a lass, in solemn trust
Pity on him who misses the offer, or throws it into the dust.
When a life's journey is begun hand in hand with no suspicion,
The two unsuspecting souls will no doubt reach their destination.

Friday, July 26, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Dedicated to all the young lovers, in whose pristine minds love reigns supreme!

26 July 2013
Copyright Reserved.
Me Poet Yeps Poet 16 June 2019

No love is as overwhelming and as pristine, As the maiden love of a lass, say of sixteen. When, like closed petals of a bud she begins to unfold Herself, blossoming into a fragrant rose or marigold. MOUTH WATERING WORDS ENSUE FROM A ROSE BUD TO EXPLODE NOW TIS DUE LOVELY POET YOU FIRST ONE MAYBE YOU READ MY POEMS TOO I LOVE ALL YOUTH

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M Asim Nehal 08 September 2018

Outstanding poem on the love, indeed it's a pristine love, Only a true lover can write such poem, beautiful things emanates from beautiful mind......Nothing less than 100++++++

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Khairul Ahsan 10 September 2018

'Only a true lover can write such poem, beautiful things emanates from beautiful mind' - thanks for being so kind in appreciating the poem and the poet, @Mohammed Asim Nehal. Much inspired, much obliged!

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Muzahidul Reza 26 August 2018

Love for one another between male and female is excellently penned with a fantastic beginning No love is as overwhelming and as pristine, As the maiden love of a lass, say of sixteen. When, like closed petals of a bud she begins to unfold Herself, blossoming into a fragrant rose or marigold. ...... thanks for sharing the poem with us

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Khairul Ahsan 10 September 2018

Thanks to you too, @Muzahid Reza, for reading this poem and leaving a comment behind. Much inspired by your appreciation.

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Nabakishore Dash 12 April 2022

when two unsuspecting souls will no doubt reach their destination'.A great write that suspicion spoils all hope and aspirations.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 02 November 2021

In secluded privacy from the outside world... there lies the beauty of love in private domain. A great poem on love...loved it. Top score.

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Chinedu Dike 31 March 2021

A beautiful rhetorical love poem insightfully and movingly brought forth.

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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 20 January 2021


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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 20 January 2021

Plz also read and comment my newest poem titled, ' mini earthquake experiences'

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