100,000 Pennies Poem by Shel Silverstein

100,000 Pennies

Rating: 3.3

I broke into the bank on Sunday,
You should see the money I got.
I couldn't drag it home 'til Monday,
'Cause it sure weighed an awful lot.

Then I sat down to count it,
And much to my surprise,
A whole lotta little brown, little round coins,
Rolled out before my eyes

I've got a hundred thousand dollars worth of pennies,
Not a solitary dollar or a dime,
And I don't believe there's many,
Rich men with a problem like mine.

And I don't think this is any
Kind of ending to a perfect crime.
I've got a hundred thousand dollars worth of pennies,
And I'm spendin' it a penny at a time!

Now a steak sure would taste delicious,
And I've forgot how a beer would feel,
But the man just might get suspicious,
If I gave him eight hundred pennies for a meal.

So I guess I'll just weigh myself again,
And buy me another stick of gum,
I've got a hundred thousand dollars worth of pennies, Lord!
And I'm livin' like a penniless bum!

I've got a hundred thousand dollars worth of pennies,
Not a solitary dollar or a dime,
And I don't believe there's many,
Rich men with a problem like mine.

Dawn Novus 31 August 2017

Bahahaha. And inspiring. Witty, rhythmic, my typa poem.

5 1 Reply
Joann Hill 27 April 2018

Nice... to funny

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Adeeb Alfateh 20 June 2019

So I guess I'll just weigh myself again, And buy me another stick of gum, written on self great write great 10+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

3 0 Reply
Ada Praise 10 February 2019

I want more poem on knowledge, l like your poem,l love you.

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Jane Campion 20 June 2019

Wonderfully written as a song.

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Bri Edwards 22 January 2023

WHO made a mistake? ? ? ? 100,000 pennies only equals 1,000 dollars, NOT 100,000 dollars. bri

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Bri Edwards 22 January 2023

The title is '100.000 Pennies', BUT the poem mentions 'a hundred thousand dollars worth of pennies

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Chinedu Dike 24 May 2021

A free flight of creativity on winged imagination. A beautiful work of art.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 23 May 2021

I like very much the two concluding lines! 5 Stars full for this amazing poem

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Sylvia Frances Chan 23 May 2021

A hilarious poem as we are accustomed to read from the great North American Poet Shel Silverstein. Truly an excellent poem full of humor

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Shel Silverstein

Shel Silverstein

Chicago/ Illinois
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